Chapter 16

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Katsuki's Pov

Rolling down the hall, I could see that izuku installed more rooms and equipment down here.

Shivers were sent down my spine as I looked at each hall, door and window I passed.

The fact that I'm in a wheelchair was making my head spin a little since I took wrong turns, I never knew this place by heart but I only knew of little places.

Every thing about this place gives me the creeps, it kinda reminded me of the cellar we use to have before he started upgrading this place.

The farther I rolled down I started to get confused on where I was at... I was near some door which I presume was another room? However under the door you s
could see a light shade of red.

I rolled a little closer as I heard sharp of metal hit the floor following with an angry grunt.

There was a small peep hole near the door handle, which I presume is the key hole, and leaned over to look inside it.

My eyes widened with what I saw.

A short old man in a white coat with glasses working on some type of deformed human body.

From what I'm seeing the woman's face was out of place, she was sitting up on the hospital bed and directly facing towards me. Still it was blurry I could see how her eyes was small, but her mouth was missing its lower jaw as there was blood surrounding the pillow where her head laid.

I gagged at the sight.

*clink* the sound of the medical tools splattered on the floor as the chubby old man went to pick them up.

as I leaned forward much more to it as my eye was pressed against the key hole, I look towards to woman's face, She was missing her left ear as her white outfit was covered in blood, the hair on her head was covered in dirt and dried up blood.

Looking to meet her face, I noticed a pair of black and gray orbs starring directly at me...well not at me just meeting my eye.

What she did next scared me as I began Rolling down the hall as fast as I can trying to find the exit.

With the sound of her high pitched scream filling the halls, and me shutting my eyes trying to block the memories coming back.

'The room filled with the smell of a deadly gas that would knock someone out in a matter of seconds if they breathed it in, a loud thud hit the ground as I looked towards a Certain Greenete 'Izuku', who was wearing a black gas mask as he was walking towards a familiar figure a middle aged woman with the same hair color as him.'

I tried to stop thinking about it as I rolled even faster not knowing where I was headed.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!!!", I hear a loud screeching females voice in my head as I now open my eyes feeling like I'm flying and The gravity of my body dragging me down as I roll down the flight of the stairs.

'Why can't I ever catch a break?', I think as I feel as sudden warmth surrounding my head as I completely black out.

'Please...please let me wake up from this nightmare'

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