Chapter 8

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Katsuki's pov

15 minutes past and that Useless fucking bastard hasn't finished his shower. Looking back at the chains I try to figure a way out.

Looking around the room I spot a pack of bobby pins, a needle, and a small bottle of acid. The bobby pins are next to the closet on the dresser, the needle is right beside the bathroom door on the small dresser where a pack of needle and thread is at, while the acid is on the other side of the bed where Izuku sleeps.

I really hate this idea but I have no choice the bobby pins and needles are far away which only leaves a very painful option


I can't, terrifying memories fill my mind as I reflect on what happened years ago. 'AAAHH!' a woman's voice screams, I close my eyes real tight as I try not to think back on that day.

By the time I open my eyes, izuku's already out of the shower, dressed and only putting on his expensive 'Creed Aventus' cologne.

"Are you okay dear?", he asked looking worried but Is trying to tie his neck tie.

" Unchain me", I grumble

"why should I?", he looked at me with a raised eyebrow

" One what if I have to go to the bathroom, two I'm hungry, and three let me help you", I glare at him as he keeps messing up his neck tie.

" Touche", he smirked going in his pocket grabbing the key and undoing the chains. "Don't do anything you might regret", he says lowly as I rub my sore wrists.

" get over here you useless bitch", I say as I grab the ends of his tie and pull him towards me, "your always so rough, you know?", izuku mumbled as he fixed the collar of his shirt.

" well kacchan, I'll see you later also don't try to escape, this time I ordered a few people to watch you", he quickly pecks my lips and runs grabbing all his stuff on the way out.

'This Fucking Bitch' I curse at myself once more.

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