Chapter 14

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Rainy Days. Sometimes the best and worst weather. In this case the best as the two boys played in the rain, one in Green and one in Yellow.
Laughter would always be heard around them as they jumped Puddle to Puddle. Hands held tight around each other not even one second of letting go.


3rd person

Pain. That's all Katsuki could feel when he opened my eyes, there was a slight sting in his arm as he noticed the needle with the cord attached to the hanging saline bag.

Remembering what happened to him, he slowly moved the other arm as he felt the numbness go away. shoving the blanket off him as he threw his legs over the bed ripping away the cord that connects to his face.

Sitting up he looked around his surroundings, he carefully took out the needle.

"shit", the blonde cursed to himself as he tried to get off the bed only to meet with the floor.

Hearing a 'click' to his left he faced his head to the opening direction of the door meeting the gaze of the Nurse.

"Mr.Bakugou are you alright?", the Nurse asked with worry as she helped him back on the bed.

"I'm fine.", katsuki said as he pulled down the lower part of his hospital gown.

"Are you sure dear?", the old nurse said as she grabbed the clip board from the bottom of the bed filling it out before placing it down.

" Yea I'm sure", katsuki said as he shivered a little when he felt a cold compress on his back. Slowly breathing in and out as the cold metal circle was place in the middle of his chest as his breath came to a stop. With the soothing rubs he got, and hearing her soft voice telling him to 'breathe' in which he did.

"Thanks Nurse Chiyo", katsuki said as he looked down.

"Your Welcome Dear", Nurse Chiyo said as she gave him a small gentle hug.

Feeling as her gentle embrace hugged his body, gave into the old nurses hug. He relaxed a little as she pulled away walking towards the door.

"Wait. When will I be able to leave?", the blonde questioned.

"Since you've been out for a couple of days, the shock you received messed with your movements a little, but seeing you up and able to control your upper body you should be able to go I presume.", nurse chiyo said as a smile formed on her face.

"But. Since I seen you on the floor when I entered, your lower body still hasn't responded or to which hasn't healed".

Katsuki looked down at himself again, now with his shaking hand running them on his thighs as he began rubbing that area in a circular motion to relax himself.

" If you want do you want me to bring you a wheelchair? " nurse chief questioned.

With a couple minutes of silence he took a small breath, "yes...please that'll do".

Hearing a small click of the door he turned his body towards the window on his left, as he now figured out where he was.

Izuku's Laboratory

This place is where he develops his own creations. The room I can only go when I'm hurt. The room that's next to his own Horrid Creations.

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