Chapter 2- Run for your life

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It was a cool night. The illuminating quarter moon high in the sky peered down at them with a welcoming glint. The fresh air was sharp and crispy and the smell of petrichor was carried by the slight breeze.

The night wildlife hummed in full effect, owls were hooting, insects were buzzing, foxes were hunting. All was peaceful. All was quiet. That was until a loud creaking noise disrupted the natural activities of the night, all fell silent as though everything was awaiting the source with bated breath.

The disruptive noise came from the dark far end of a building that stood in the middle of the woodland. Dense foliage surrounded the structure and up its walls as though it wanted to hide from unwanted prying eyes, there was no sign that the building was inhabited, until today.

A girl and a small unearthly creature came rushing out of the source of the noise leaving behind bangs and curses in their wake.

Twigs snapped as the girl stumbled quickly away from her prison with heavy unbalanced footsteps, an owl perched on a tree nearby hooted as if scoffing at the level of noise the girl was creating. More banging continued to arise from the lonely building, the owl's eyes widened and its instincts kicked in, it glided from the tree and fled into the night sky.

The owl was everything the girl was not, free to do as it wished with no predators on its trail.


J and Theo couldn't enjoy their newfound freedom. Not yet. Exhausted yet still determined they stumbled on, hoping desperately to disappear into the night, just like that owl she spotted fleeing from the scene not even a moment ago.

Her hands shook and her legs trembled, she wanted desperately to stop and take in their surroundings but she couldn't. It would be such a shame if she was caught now, her first experience of life outside the building shouldn't end in being placed in iron.

Theo surprised her when he flew up above the trees with a whoosh, he was clearly trying to gain a wider range of vision to find somewhere safe to hideout, it looked to J that he didn't have the best of luck when he didn't rush down to inform her of anything contrary.

She was struggling to keep her footing on the unfamiliar ground that consisted of mud, grass, rocks and tree roots. The grass below was dampened from recent rainfall which made it harder for the child to stay up on her feet without tripping over the many obstacles the woodland had to offer. The metal restraint around her neck felt like it grew heavier with every step and stumble she made, she did not falter however, she kept on pushing even when the device snagged at branches and leaves.

A loud bang and a crack suddenly echoed in the woodland informing the duo that the security had broken out of the confines of the building. Flashlights scouring the thick trees from different directions also told her that Doctor Terries had requested further help and unfortunately, it had arrived.

"There's at least fifteen guys. It seems that they're not letting us go so easily." Theo swooped down informing the girl. "All we have to do is stay hidden in the trees and not get see-"

"I can see them! Over there!" A voice called out with a flashlight suddenly illuminating them attracting nine guards nearby.

"You had to say it, Theo, you had to say it" J groaned out beginning to run as fast as she possibly could. Theo cringed and apologised profusely.

"Fire at the girl! If she's hit the Conjuncta will fall soon after" a cold familiar voice of Doctor Terries shouted out.

The guards, ever so obedient, started shooting at the child. Having difficulty seeing through the dark trees, even with their flashlights, they were unable to land a shot so they swiftly continued to pursue the pair.

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