Chapter 15- Ultimate power

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November 17th, 2014

"Are you almost finished yet?" Jayden impatiently groaned from her slumped position on the small table.

"Almost but you need to be patient Jayden" Bruce tutted as he poked through her collar.

"There's only so much patience I have, you've been looking at it for ages, you would think two supposed geniuses would've figured out how to get past a little defensive mechanism by now" she complained, kicking out her feet.

"It's hardly been an hour Smalls" Tony debunked from across the room, tablet in hand. "Even with our affluent research, this is still a remarkably complex piece of technology, moving one wrong wire could end in an explosive boom of disaster so pardon us if we need a moment to verify our findings" 

Jayden pressed her lips together, she acknowledged the danger of messing around with the contraption around her neck but still, the waiting was worse. Knowing she was so close to getting the thing off made every second drag on, it was like an itch she couldn't get rid of, she found it difficult to sit still even when both men would repeatedly chastise her for it and tell her it was only making Bruce's job harder and more time-consuming.

She chewed her lip and started mindlessly pulling at the large cluster of heavy cables the scientists had connected to the side of her collar, she followed the wires with her eyes as they led into a desk filled with large monitors nearby. She read the alternating numbers they displayed with a furrowed brow, wondering what they meant and why it was so important as Bruce kept glancing at it with a concentrated brow.

"Don't fiddle with that" Tony scorned, lightly slapping her hands away as he stepped towards her. 

"What is it anyway?" Jayden questioned laying her hand on Theo's head who was watching everything with interested excitement.

"It's a strong, multidimensional, homemade stabilizer that averts and hinders amalgamation of the electrical charge of the collar's main functions including its magnetic panel access to its defensive mechanisms wires," Tony informed her, half-distracted by a thin metallic object he picked up from the table.

"So it lets you get to the wires in my collar?" She affirmed and received a nod in confirmation. "And what's that?" She pointed at the strange contraption he held.

"Call it a kind of key. The documents in SHIELD's database noted, that in case of emergency, the collar could be unlocked without the need for biometrics, while yours is updated, the main structural integrity is still there so JARVIS managed to find and fabricate an exact likeness through that scan we did a while ago"

"Then why do we need to shut down the defence mechanism if you have a key?"

"Because it's Hydra, they always have deadly assurances to keep their secrets hidden, if I was you, I wouldn't want to risk it"

"Worrywart" she muttered but secretly, she couldn't help but be relieved they weren't taking any chances. It would suck to die now when she was so close to getting it off.

Silence swept the room again, only being broken whenever either of the men had something new to comment on or ordered Jayden to stop squirming or move her head so Bruce could have better access to whatever it was he was doing. Throughout the process, Tony repeatedly had JARVIS verify the probability of their success, it was imperative to him to get as close to 100% as possible. When he was finally satisfied at 96, he declared that they were ready to begin.

"Wait, really? Already?" Jayden almost spluttered.

"Jadie, you were complaining how slow we were going not even ten minutes ago. Now we're going too quick for you?" Tony scoffed in disbelief.

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