Chapter 14- Night-time talks

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August 2nd 2014

"What's photosynthesis?" Jayden quizzed looking up at the ceiling from her horizontal position on the dirty floor.

"Where plants create food. Easy, give me a harder one" Curls nudged the smaller body beside her.

Jayden yawned stretching. "I gotta make sure you know, you know what'll happen if we fail this test"

"Yeah yeah, as everyone keeps saying" Curls groaned. "Just give me the next question J"

"Fine, but I'm giving you an ultra-hard one" Jayden warned, she thought for a moment before she smirked. "What's the Raman effect?"

Curls sat up and looked down at her friend with puzzlement. "It's- it's food... and the effect is that... it makes people less hungry"

"Not ramen, Raman! Totally different"

"Oh yeah! Totally different!" Curls exclaimed throwing her hands up before flopping them back down to the grimy floor. "But now you've gotten me hungry"

"Well, it's not my fault you always think with your stomach" Jayden teased. "You want me to tell you the answer?"

"How on Earth do you remember stuff like this? I remember Doctor Ria talking about it but she's dull as rocks. How can anyone learn a thing from her?"

"I don't know, I just do" she shrugged. "The answer is that it's the change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a light beam is deflected by molecules"

"What does that even mean?"

"No idea." Jayden laughed. "I'm just repeating it"

"This is impossible, they expect too much from us" Curls huffed, her hands going up into her hair.

"I think that's the point" Jayden shrugged, her fingers carding through Theo's fur as he laid docile on her chest. "They want us to struggle"

"How bad do you think the punishment is going to be this time?" Curls questioned, her voice quiet and meek.

"Stop it" she snapped. "You're not going to fail. You worry about this every time and it's always stupid because you always scrape by" Jayden sat up, taking a hold of her hand.

"There'll be a day where I won't" she squeezed Jayden's hand. "Not if we don't get out"

Jayden's lips pressed together as she released the hand and brought Theo, who had fallen to her lap, into a cradle against her chest. "Can we not do this again? It's your turn to ask questions"

Curls looked like she wanted to interject but thought better of it and exhaled her frustrations through her nose with a noisy huff. "Fine, what's 6x6?"

"36 but why maths? I'm good at maths. You know I'm good at maths"

"Exactly! The quicker you answer the quicker we finish"

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