Chapter 16- Training montage

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Forty minutes after lunch, Jayden found herself sitting in a chair in the training room waiting for three Avengers to exit the weapon locker. Steve had suggested that the team undergo training.

They did try to wriggle out of it with excuses of wanting to celebrate with Jayden but unfortunately for them, she agreed wholly with the captain, not only because she understood the need to sharpen their skills for their conflict with Hydra but because she really wanted to see their superhero moves.

In the end, only Bruce and Tony were able to worm away with one unwilling to become an angry, semi-uncontrollable beast and the other making up an excuse on the spot about suit upgrades.

Jayden impatiently swung her legs, she had way too much energy to just sit there and watch them train while her hands were a constant buzz. She flexed her fingers and stared at them, relishing the feeling that was kept away from her for so long, that was another reason she wanted to see the team train, she was hoping she could join in.

After what felt like forever, the three adults finally walked out of the equipment locker with their varying weapons. In their workout clothing, Jayden watched as Steve had them do their own thing and told her that she could get up and watch whoever she wanted. She chose Steve, curious to find out how the shield of his actually worked.

"You can try, I've been using it for years and even I don't know the complete ins and outs." Steve shrugged, walking towards the right of the room where dummies in various heights and places were set up, Jayden eagerly followed on his heels and scrutinised the metal in his hand.

"Maybe it has something to do with how the vibranium curves?" She gandered a guess.


He threw the shield at the furthest dummy, it sliced through the air as a silver blur. Its rim looked sharp, so sharp Jayden thought it would just cut straight through the dummy's neck but it didn't, instead, it bounced off its chest and loyally returned to its owner. Steve caught it easily and used the momentum to deliver another throw, this time making the dummy tip over.

"How does it always bounce back to you?" Jayden blinked as he caught and threw it again. "It makes no sense"

Steve's eyes glinted with amusement as he turned to grin at her. "That's how it goes. Here"

He offered her the shield, she accepted with her right hand. As soon as he released his hold on the weapon, she stumbled, not expecting the weight of the vibranium and would've fallen if it wasn't for Steve steadying her by holding the crook of her elbow. She gripped the handle tightly as she tried to hold it up in a defensive position like she saw Steve do earlier but it was too much for her and it only took twenty seconds for her arm to strain.

"Take it. It's too heavy" she pushed the shield back into his hands and shook her aching arm. "I don't know how you make it look so easy"

"Benefits of super strength"

"I'm supposed to be stronger as well, double stronger actually"

"Well," Steve pondered. "Maybe your body hasn't recovered enough from the lab for those benefits to show yet"

"But its been weeks"

"Healing takes time, you'll get there eventually"

Jayden crossed her arms and scowled, she hated feeling this way, even with her abilities, she was still physically as weak as a newborn kitten. Steve threw the shield a couple more times before he turned back to her, a hesitant expression written on his face. "Can I ask you some questions about Bucky? Clint told me you knew him"

"Um yeah, sure"

"What was he like around you?"

"Cold. He was just a soldier following orders" she shrugged. "Apart from that one time of course"

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