Chapter 9-Research

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March 23rd, 2013

"Again JYD2641" the voice of Doctor Terries from the intercom commanded.

Jayden, ignoring the growing throb in her frontal lobe, pulled up her hands and created flickering, feeble green forcefield-like luminescence around her hands. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she attempted to have them grow so the light would completely envelop her body but it soon became evident the harder she tried the more exhaustion crippled her. It wasn't long until her headache flared causing her shields to gutter until they were extinguished completely.

Theo, from beside her, stumbled as he failed to carry out his own orders of transforming into his largest form. He attempted to encourage her with hushed whispers but it was in vain, Jayden could barely stay up on her feet, much less control the ability she barely had a handle on.

"Disappointing. How can someone with such prodigious gifts fail to this extent? Perhaps I'm being too kind on you." The doctor mused. "Again JYD2641 and this time if you or your Conjuncta fail to improve then you'll be subjected to the box"

Jayden's breath hitched at the threat,  with trembling hands she swallowed her fear and slowly lifted them again, closing her eyes she focused with everything she had, her hands felt like pins and needles as the shield took shape and began to crawl up her fingers. She was tired, so tired but knew Doctor Terries would never accept that excuse. As the transparent emerald gleam inched its way up her arms, the headache, she's tried to ignore, lashed out and distracted her causing the power to slip through her weakened fingers within a blink of an eye.

She flinched as a sigh crackled from the intercom, she glanced at the one-sided mirror with trepidation and clenched her hands to try and stop them from shaking. "I'm very disappointed in you JYD2641, your Conjuncta is your only hope in staying away from discipline"

With this indirect command, Theo growled and his form began to contort and shape into a much larger, muscular shape. His teeth were bared as they grew into sharp tusks, blue fur sprouted in patches, and piercing claws scraped against the tiled floor, his form grew up to Jayden's chest and she caught a glimpse of a long striped tail looking to belong to a tiger. However, as quickly as it appeared Theo shrunk down back to his dragon shape, collapsing onto the ground with strangled pants.

Silence enclosed the two as Jayden fell to her knees in defeat. The door to the room slammed open and four muscular men wearing protective gear appeared. One had the collar in his hands, two had shock sticks and the other was empty-handed obviously there to grab the girl.

Jayden clenched her fists deciding that she wasn't going to the box without a fight. The two men with shock sticks stalked closer, knowing like usual, she would not be going anywhere without a fight. She managed to jump back to avoid an incoming shock stick but doing so, lead her right into another. She yelped and spasmed onto the floor, when the electricity had finished running its course, she was placed in her collar.

Without access to her powers, she was rendered useless so they easily plucked her off the floor along with Theo and dragged them away. They carried her down to the lowest floor and entered a frigid room with dim lights. In the middle stood two metal boxes sitting side by side, they were built only large enough to fit their prisoners, one for Jayden and the other for Theodore. The boxes each had a padlocked door with a small hatch so the captors could observe the experiment from the inside, when it was closed the box would be in complete darkness; completely separated from everything. Including each other.

Jayden was fluidly thrown inside her prison and was forced down onto her hands and knees, her skin was scrapped by the jagged floor instantly. Without any further delay, the goons chained down her hands, ankles, and collar onto the metal hoops attached to the floor. Jayden grimaced as a foul-tasting gag was shoved into her mouth. When the guards deemed the girl secure they backed away, and echoed footsteps leisurely entered the room making their way towards her, booted feet entered her field of vision and a sigh escaped their lips.

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