Chapter 7- New faces and Nightmares

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Jayden woke up on the most comfortable thing she's ever had the pleasure of sleeping on. It was unfamiliar and strange, she felt like she was on a cloud, any moment she'll slowly sink through it and land on the hard floor she was accustomed to.

She stretched and yawned before turning her head to look at the time. Her eyes landed on Mini Thor, who was diligently watching over her, by the digital clock that displayed 5:06 PM. She smiled slightly at the plastic figure, it was only a small materialistic thing but Jayden was very glad it was with her.

Slight movements under the covers tore her eyes away, and Theo poked his head from under the covers. She giggled at the sight of his frowzled fur on his oversized-squirrel's head.


"Very much so. I've never felt better" Theo stated stretching, Jayden agreed with a nod.

"It feels like a dream" Jayden said looking at the ceiling.

"But here we are"

"Here we are" Jayden repeated basking in the warmth of the covers. "Do you think they were telling the truth? About their doctors?"

"I think they were telling the truth when they said they wouldn't let you get hurt"

"But it's doctors..."

"I know but you have to let them help or at least give them a chance"

"I'll think about it." Jayden hummed. "What do you think about my new name?"

"It's nice but different, I'm still going to call you J"

"That's fine by me. It's strange having a name. Like it's not actually real or it's too good to be true"

"It kinda feels like we're slowly putting the lab behind us, doesn't it?"

"It does a little but I don't think it'll go completely until the lab is completly demolished"

"But for now this is enough, right?"

"Yeah, for now, it's enough. You were right."

"Huh?" Theo cocked his head.

"I should've been more optimistic, I nearly gave up. If it wasn't for you, I probably would've"

"I just wanted what's best for you" he shrugged. "Now c'mon let's get up"

Jayden nodded, lifting the covers and getting out of the luxurious bed. She glanced down at her attire and decided to stay in her pyjamas as she couldn't find enough effort to change. Not to mention, the clothing was so soft against her skin, she didn't want to part from it.

She enjoyed the feel of the carpet tickling her toes. Theo flew and settled onto her arm like earlier as she opened the wooden door. As she was nearing the living room, she caught onto a mix of muffled voices. Biting her lip she crept forward with her bare feet sticking slightly to the cool floor and strained her ears to make try to make sense of the voices.

She shuffled a little closer and placed her ear on the wooden door to hear cleary. "-find this lab" An unfamiliar female voice stated.

"Perhaps Jayden knows where it is or something that will help narrow its location," another unfamiliar voice said, male this time.

"Well, all I know is that we have to wipe these sickos off the map" that was Tony.

"First, we need to alert SHIELD about this, they might even have some information for us" Steve imputed. Someone made a disagreeing noise.

"Don't kid yourself Cap. They'll have no information for us, all they'll do is stick their noses into where nobody wants them like usual. Hell, they might even try taking the kid away" Tony said resolved.

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