Chapter 6- Safe and sound

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It turned out that Happy was a person, a familiar person at that. After they waited on the bench for a while, the man almost appeared out of thin air. Jayden's mouth gaped open when she recognised him, she couldn't believe the coincidence.

"Tony what's goi- oh hey, it's you!" Happy's face was, at first, annoyed but changed into confusion when he saw who was sitting between the two heroes.

"Wait, you've both met?" Tony enquired confused, wriggling his finger between the pair.

"She was the thing that was more important than you yesterday" Happy explained bluntly.

"Huh. Wait wasn't that near the tower? What were you doing there?" He questioned looking down at her.

Jayden's face flushed with embarrassment. "W-well I tried going there to ask for help but the receptionist k-kicked me out," she said bitterly, just glad Happy didn't mention how upset she was when they met.

"They kicked you out? You know their name?" Tony asked, his brows drawn, obviously furious at this person's stupidity.

"Didn't ask" she mumbled kicking the air with her feet.

"Well next time ask and then I'll fire them," Tony said resolved. "Especially if they don't work for me" he added as an afterthought.

"Tony I'm not sure that's how it works" Steve butted in as he rubbed his head.

"It is for me, you know why?" He waited for a beat for effect. "Because I'm Tony Stark"

They all stared at him for a moment.

"Moving on, is anyone going to tell me what's going on and what that creature thing is on the kid's lap?" Happy suddenly asked not looking remotely surprised at the appearance of Theo. Jayden believed it was because he was numb to this sort of stuff from working for Tony Stark and she couldn't blame him.

"Later Hap, now come on let's get out of here, what do you say to that?" He asked looking at both Jayden and Theo. They nodded unanimously.

Steve and Tony stood up, Jayden balanced Theodore on her arm as she followed their lead. Happy turned and lead them to the car he parked outside the park while Tony squeezed his grip on Jayden's hand a little tighter. Steve walked behind them looking in every direction to keep an eye out for anyone looking to foolishly try and capture Jayden with the two heroes there.

Luckily there was no such incident, when they arrived, Jayden took a second to gaze at the black and sleek-looking vehicle, it was high-end and safe looking but she was still slightly nervous. She felt like she was rapidly soaring up in society, just a moment ago she was homeless and uncertain of tomorrow but now she felt like she had won the lottery and she was suddenly untouchable from those who wish to do her harm.

Tony quickly ushered her into the car, suddenly she and Theo were once again sitting in between Iron Man and Captain America. The seats were soft and comfy, Jayden started to sink into them but immediately tensed back up when Happy started driving.

"What's wrong?" Steve questioned noticing her posture.

"Never been in a car before"

"Don't you worry, Happy is one of the best drivers out there, you're in safe hands" Steve replied, reassuring her.

"Yeah, kid I couldn't have asked for a better driver" Tony added, gently squeezing her hand.

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