Chapter 13- Discoveries

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"You have?" Jayden gaped. Theo eagerly shuffled forward from his place on her knee.

"I have"

"So? Tell me" she probed desperately, her hearts feeling as though they were going to burst out of her chest.

Tony scrutinised her, his hesitation was palpable as he eyed her nerve-racked form. She tried to steel herself, this was what she's been waiting for. Knowing who they were was the first step to their total annihilation. However, despite that thought, she felt like he could see right passed her facade, her nerves were almost choking her.

"You sure you wanna know?" He carefully questioned, his hands clasped together in front of him as he slightly leaned forward.

"Yes," she nodded in total resolvement. "I need to help stop them"

He frowned, the act made his face look ten years older. "No, you don't. You don't need to be a part of this anymore, The Avengers have it handled. Right now, all you have to do is focus on yourself and heal"

"And the best way I can do that is to know more about them so I don't have so many questions in the back of my head" she argued. "Please Tony, I've gotta know. Especially after all the things they've done... what they've made me do."

Tony, once again, studied her for a long moment, contemplating what to do before he sighed and shook his head.

"Hydra" he revealed in reluctance, he said it quickly as if the name burned his tongue

"Hydra?" She repeated. "The Nazi guys?"

"The very same"

"I-I can't believe it" she shook her head incredulously. "It was under my nose the entire time! The lab used to hold these classes a couple of times a year that were all about them. I'm so stupid, I should've- I should've known!"

"No kid, for all you knew they were just a group of sick fanatics who were trying to be like them. It's easy to look back and curse yourself but that's what sucks about hindsight, you only know when it's too late" He comforted, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She bit her lip, nodding slightly and stayed silent. Jayden didn't know how to react, she wanted to ask the man a thousand questions but for some unknown reason, she couldn't even begin to open her mouth to voice them.

After a couple of moments, Theo shuffled and quietly did the talking for her. "Do you know how they survived?"

"They've been hiding under SHIELD since the end of World War Two like cockroaches" Tony answered bitterly.

"Really?" Jayden choked. "H-how did no one else find out? They must have been good at hiding"

Tony's mouth faintly lifted. "That must be it Jadie."

"Well, that or Hydra just silenced the voices before they were heard" Theo added unhelpfully.

Jayden cringed, feeling sick at the thought of what happened to those people, were they killed quickly? Or did they become guinea pigs for their experiments like her?

Her eyebrows furrowed before she straightened up as she realised something. "Wait, so when SHIELD wanted to take me it was-"

"Hydra trying to get you back. I'm guessing when that didn't work they decided to try another way" he figured, looking sympathetically at her.

"They broke in" Jayden whispered through gritted teeth. "I thought I escaped but they've been over my shoulder the entire time I've been here."

"Most likely, but, regardless, you're safe. Now they're unable to hide under SHIELD's name so if they try something we'll see them from a mile away"

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