Chapter 19- Kicking Ass

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January 18th, 2015

It was a typical monotonous afternoon in New York, Jayden mindlessly peered at the murky city through the rain-streaked window. The luminescence of street lights, advertisements, and buildings blurred together through the raindrops that decorated the frigid and misty glass.

She turned her attention to above, the sky was a dreary grey, lifeless and insipid. Any buoyant colour that tried to bloom against the achromic plane was quickly snuffed out before it could even begin to blossom. Today, there was no hope for any bright hues to prevail, even the blazing sun was shrouded away.

Jayden thought it was a reflection of the city's mood itself, not many people liked January. It was cold, miserable, and wet, the holidays had passed like a wave; washing all excitement of Christmas and the New Year away to unreachable depths.

She sighed and gripped her red school bag tighter to her chest, its rough material was wet and cold against her body but she didn't take much notice, it was the only way she was able to contain her excitement.

Contradictory to the gloomy weather that cursed the day she was rather blithesome to get home. Tony had finally given in to her persistent begging to join her as Iron Man in training to use his new practice holograms.

Her health was finally as it should be, Doctor Doirs had finally given her the all-clear; her weight was the same as any other snotty-nosed child, she was fully up to date with vaccinations and her mental state was reasonably stable.

For, what felt like, the first time in her life the benefits of having a second heart had finally come out to shine.

Her 'double strength' and speed appeared so suddenly it gave her and her classmates a shock when she bested the school's obstacle course record by almost a minute, after that she did her best to keep her 'advantages' to herself.

It wasn't just her body's performance that underwent a positive change. She felt like she had a firmer hand on her abilities than ever before, the forcefield that once exhausted her to the point of giving up was now as easy to keep up as it was to run. All it took was thinking of a powerful memory or feeling and it was stronger than bulletproof glass.

Her improvements made her Conjuncta jealous, up to the point where he actively sought out to be a part of her training sessions, and without realizing it; he started to improve too, he was able to switch forms swifter and hold larger forms like Sully for longer than ten seconds.

Not everything could be good news. Nightmares had become much more rampant and furious, she would wake up at least twice a night with a tortured cry of terror on her lips. It's become so bad, she hasn't had a night in weeks where she didn't have Tony or Pepper stay with her until she drifted away to an unsettling sleep.

Some were about the EPE room, others were about FN but most were about Curls. The guilt of having a happy, unspoiled life without her had taken the form of a devouring monster, it wouldn't leave her alone, it was a constant to have the deep pit inside her stomach.

It festered to the point where it felt like it was a part of her, her constant companion, her forever burden.

In vain she tried to battle against it by continuing to learn dance. It was hard and progress was painfully slow but it distracted her for a short time and she had a small peace of mind that she was keeping her promise.

Blaring honking from a few cars behind made her jump in her seat, Happy, in the driver's seat, cursed under his breath, and Theo in, what Jayden liked to call, his baby car seat scowled with irritation.

"Stupid afternoon traffic" he hissed

"Shush Thee-baby, it's only noise" Jayden murmured before a smirk found its way onto her face. "How about a lullaby?"

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