Chapter 17- Ordinary education

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"I can't do this" Jayden gripped her seat tightly as she eyed the one-story building from the car window.

A sea of sprightly youngsters in grey and blue bounced towards the school, their expressions either one of neutrality or consumed by tired yawns as their parents led them down the winding drive to the building. Her stomach twisted, she'd never seen so many people of her own age in one place before, the sight alone was surprisingly unnerving.

The blue-skied, crisp winter Monday morning gave everything tranquillity. Everything was calm, not even a gentle, chilled breeze disturbed the blazing leaves of red and auburn that littered the sidewalks as a last vestige of autumn. It was a complete contrast to what was going through Jayden, anxiety was keeping her hostage. It felt like a bird was trapped inside her chest desperately pecking away, hoping to break free.

Theo rubbed against her neck, the cool surface of his nose nudging her cheek in a vain act to console her but it did very little for her malicious nerves. She wasn't ready for this, how could she be?

It's only been two months since her escape, she's barely had time to take in her freedom or recover from her lifetime of torment, she hadn't even begun to figure out what her life was now that she was trying to leave it all behind. School was too soon. She couldn't be ready for this. What was she thinking when she convinced Tony she was?

"Yes, you can Jayden" Pepper from her left disagreed, running her fingers through her brunette hair. "You've been so excited about this, you can't back out now"

Jayden swallowed and firmly gripped the woman's hand with her left that was no longer plagued by its irritating cast, Doctor Doirs removed it a little over a week ago and Jayden couldn't be more relieved. It was like the doctor predicted, she healed in twice the rate of unenhanced humans so instead of six, she only had to deal with the restrictive thing for three weeks.

"Er, yeah she can, we can very easily turn the car around and get out of here, we don't owe this school anything" Tony, from her right, quickly spoke out giving Jayden half the mind to accept his suggestion.

"Tony" Pepper warned, making him turn to her with a pacified, raised hands.

"Okay, okay! Sorry kid but I suppose she is in the right. We wouldn't want to waste all that time I had to spend pulling strings to get you in here with no prior legal education"

"The point is" Pepper pointed a look at Tony. "We would have never enrolled you if we didn't believe you could do this. But saying that, if it ever gets too much then you can come home but I want you to at least try for me, okay?"

"Alright," she whispered but she wasn't convinced. "D-do I need to know anything else?"

"Just do what we've told you Smalls. Remember your backstory, and don't go showing Theo or your abilities to anyone, no matter how much you want to"

"I'm not stupid"

"Yeah... don't I know it" he smirked. "But seriously, if anyone gives you trouble then you have my permission to kick them to-"

"Tony" Pepper sighed in exasperation making Jayden snort, to her, the woman was like his personal babysitter.

"Fine, give them a little hell, just a little" he pinched his fingers in demonstration. "They better teach you something worthwhile in there, I'm not paying them for nothing, even if it's only pocket change "

"You're paying for school?" Jayden furrowed her brows.

"Well obviously"

"But what if some parents are too poor to pay? Do kids just not go?"

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