Chapter 25- Home sweet home

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Jayden couldn't stay sitting any longer so she hastily unbuckled her seatbelts.

Ignoring the protests of Tony, Nat, and Thor, she stood and moved directly to the right wing, Theo passively watched on and placed himself on her now vacant seat.

"There you are!" Curls hollered as soon as she moved into sight. "I'm going to kill you! Murderer!"

She flinched, the words cut deep. Curls was right, she was a murderer but not because of the person Curls believed.

"Please, just listen to me, I-"

"No, shut up! Shut up!"

"Jayden! Get back to your seat!" Steve commanded.

She ignored him, narrowing her eyes at her possible ex-friend. "I'm your best friend! Hydra has done something to your head! Snap out of it!"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Curls hysterically repeated, banging her head against the pillow below her. "Don't listen to her! She's one of them!"

"Again, I'm going to have to sedate you if you do not calm down," Steve repeated, Tony, from behind, placed a hand on her shoulder to steer her away.

Without glancing back, she flicked her hand, using gravity to push him away, she heard him stumble and she kept him and the others away with a small gravity barrier. 

"No! She's probably here because they ordered her to! You have to believe me!"

"You're crazy, I would rather cut off my own arm than join them!"

"Jayden please, you're making it worse." Bruce urged but she remained unmoved.

"She should be strapped to this table! I haven't done anything wrong!"

"I'm sorry but I warned you, Bruce?" Steve glanced at the man, Bruce nodded, quickly prepared a sedative, and swiftly used it on Curls.

The girl went limp rather quickly, the adults sighed or turned their heads to Jayden while she stared blankly at the sleeping body.

"You should be careful not to let her put her hands together. She can teleport." She informed them numbly and released gravity.

"Jayden..." Tony placed his hand lightly on her back, she jerked away, his touch making her wounds flare.

She turned to return to her seat but paused as Tony kept still, his palm up in front of him as he stared at it in horror.

"Okay, Bruce needs to have a look at your wounds right now."

"It's nothing" she disagreed, she would've backed away from his incredulous stare if she didn't have Steve and Bruce behind her.

"Nothing? This looks like a whole lot of somethings to me Jayden" he scoffed, turning his hand to reveal the blood that coated it.

Damn. It leaked through the bandages.

"Okay, Bruce?" Steve called, taking wide, urgent strides towards her.

"I don't want to." She emphasized while trying to back away but there was nowhere to go, the Avengers were already surrounding her.

"You've got no choice kid" Tony pushed sternly.

"Why not Jayden?" Steve questioned with a frown.

"Because it's nothing!" She seethed. "It's been the same for a month. I'm used to it! You said they wouldn't get me again and they did! I needed you but you weren't there, none of you were!"

They all flinched, even the mighty Thor and the collected Black Widow displayed a distinguishable reaction.

"I had to contact you! I had to be the one to go through a flogging twice a week! I had to- yesterday I had to-" she couldn't say it, her chest tightened up and she could hardly breathe.

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