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It was just a word, yet billions of people across the world cower at the mere mention of it.

For JYD2641, death was a constant companion. She's seen it many times throughout her young life, whether that be a fellow prisoner dying in front of her or the shadow of its welcoming embrace when she was on the urge of joining it herself. It was her past and it was her future.

It surrounded her like a suffocating blanket but a part of her liked that, unlike many things in her life, death was certain. It was something that would come for her no matter what.

In a strange way, it comforted her. When death infects anyone with its touch, they become unfeeling, oblivious, nothing. They experience no more, gone forever, their life gone like a blown candlelight. As time went on, it would be like they were never there, to begin with. She would sometimes catch herself longing for it. To sleep forever, to never feel the pain from her Doctor's cruel touches, to never worry about becoming a weapon.

She would never tell Theo this, of course, her furry friend would probably have a heart attack and go on a long lecture on how there was always hope for the future, to which she would promptly roll her eyes.

She tried to keep up good spirits for him but day after day of the same torturous training she was dwindling.

There were less children now, most had either died or disappeared and she knew, sooner or later, it would be her turn, no matter of Theo or her abilities.

She wanted to be free, to feel the sun's kiss on her cheeks, feel the cool breeze against her skin. She dreamed of it often but as she sat in her cold, dark, empty cell on the lowest floor in the facility but she knew that was all it could ever be. A dream. All she needed was a chance. She had no hope of escaping alone, her doctors' claws dug into her too deep to ever give her that.

She needed help but her choices were severely limited from the stoic guards who escorted her from place to place to the many doctors who conditioned the children into the weapons to fit their desires. Anyone who knew of the children believed in their goals like a religion to their god, it was pointless. She was nothing to them, just a means to an end, she would be trapped forever until she died or disappeared. Just like the children, just like her curly-haired friend.

This night was just like any other, an ordinary night after an ordinary day. JYD2641 was curled up in the corner of her dark cell with Theo clutched to her chest, her body racked with shivers and her chattering teeth echoed throughout the frosted room. Try as she might, her body heat escaped her. The frigid air was like a leech, sucking up all her warmth until she was nothing but a near corpse.

She thought it was colder than most nights, her fingers were numb and she wouldn't be surprised if they had long since turned blue, everything she touched felt like ice; even the air itself was like glacial water filling into her small lungs. She was frozen and felt like she was going to die but she didn't cry. She didn't have the water to spare for such an act.

The silence was overbearing, she hated it. It blanketed everything and allowed her thoughts to unwillingly run free, a year ago she never would've believed she could ever miss the faraway sounds of children stifling their crying from the cells beside her. Now she yearned for it, she would do anything to get rid of the emptiness the silence bore.

The lab was Hell for all who lived there, their lives were a torment beyond anyone's nightmares yet the cells were a small respite from that. In the day they were free to play. In the night they were free to cry. Now it was all but a graveyard.

They lived, screamed, played and died. They would not be remembered, if they had parents they were either dead too, moved on or couldn't care less. In the grand scheme of things they were nothing and their lives and deaths were pointless, it would be the same for her in the end.

JYD2641 kept her eyes closed, she couldn't face the dark or the empty room. Before, she only had a handful of good things, now she only had one. Theo. If it wasn't for their bond, he would probably be taken from her too.

Her skinny arms clutched him tighter to her chest, she could barely breathe and felt he was the same way but neither of them paid attention to it.

They had to stay close for as long as they could, for warmth and for the comfort and resilience for tomorrow. His body was hardly any warmer than a fluffy teddy bear but she was someone that had almost nothing, she would take almost anything.

There was no chance of sleep, she knew that, with the cold silence mixed with her underlying thoughts, all she could do was wait for the night to dwindle and for her cruel doctor to gather her for experimentation.

When a sudden sharp tapping from her door occurred, the pair both jumped out of their slumped states with racing hearts. They looked at each other with widened eyes and JYD2641 cowered far back into the corner as she could.

Too early, this was far too early. He had never disturbed her at this time before. He followed an extremely strict schedule, it never deviated for anything unless it was important.

The girl steeled herself, was this it? Was she about to disappear?

She clutched Theo impossibly close, almost signalling her final goodbye if it was truly the end. A key rattled into the door with unsteady motions making her pause. This couldn't be her Doctor, he was always so composed. This was hurried and, if she dared say it, determined.

The door opened with a screech, the corridor's dim light from outside burned her eyes making her wince. A tall figure stepped forward blocking out the light, in his hand was the key to her cell and a creased piece of paper. She couldn't see his face but his fists around the objects were shaky yet steadfast.

She cautiously narrowed her eyes and scrutinised the figure. She thought him to be as one of many things, a threat, a challenger, a test, another of her Doctor's minions coming to collect her. She didn't believe him when he explained what he really was. A chance.


Now this is only a prologue of sorts, future chapters will be much longer.

I started on this fic over a year ago, it feels a little daunting to finally have my work out there. I'm not going to pretend I'm some expert writer but it's the best I can do and in some ways in proud of it, in other ways, I want to throw myself into a ditch and never emerge.

Let me know what you think, constructive criticism is highly welcome, I want to improve my writing in every way I can, seriously.

I really want to integrate JYD2641 and Theo into this world, their plot lines will be epicentre which will hopefully merge with the movies as time goes on, they're going to be a major key in this story from AOU all the way to Endgame (they could change some things too in later movies. I haven't decided yet)

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