Chapter 24- Choices

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Her mouth fell open as the long, golden-haired man strutted into the room with wide strides. Theo zoomed and clutched her shoulder.

"Thor?" Jayden breathed.

He looked a lot different than his smaller counterpart of Mini Thor but he was still easily recognizable.

"Hello young one, you must be Jayden of unknown" Thor smiled adjusting his great hammer in his hand. "And you must be her ferocious guardian Theodore"

They both stared at him and exchanged glances, his presence was certainly... something, she furrowed her brows at the title he gave her but shook her head. She could ask later.

Then it dawned on her, if Thor was there, did that mean so was Tony? The rest of the Avengers?

Thor towered over her as he took a step forward and she was forced to crane her neck to keep his gaze. Being so tall must come with being a god. He crouched to his knees to make it easier for her.

"You have made many people very worried" Thor softly spoke placing his free hand on her shoulder making her flinch, he frowned and moved it away.

"I- you're here?"

"Of course, when my friends call for help, I always come to their aid" he smiled. "Now, how about we relieve them of worry?"

She gave him a nod so he straightened up and gave his ear a tap.

"I have located young Jayden and her companion..." for a moment she feared that the god of thunder may had gone mad but quickly realised he was talking into an earpiece. "She's in perfect health, man of iron, there is no need to worry... yes, of course, we're on our way"

Her hearts jumped when she caught on that it was Tony on the other side. She swallowed a wave of nerves, what would she even say to him?

"Shall we move to the safety of the great flying machine?" Thor questioned, holding out his hand.

She moved to take it but a thought jerked her back. "Curls! We can't leave her!"

He looked surprised that he hadn't seen the other girl sooner. "Of course, nobody will be left behind"

He walked to pick up the child. As he took her in his arms, Jayden bit her tongue, hating what she was about to do.

"Wait" she whispered, summoning the collar with her abilities. "Something wrong with her. Not herself"

Thor nodded in understanding. "Very well, we must do what we must. Apply the device."

Jayden timidly enclosed Curls' neck with the damper. She didn't want to do it but she couldn't risk losing her again. She tried to assure herself that it wouldn't be for long, just until they were safe.

Thor swiftly hauled the limp Curls onto his shoulder and twisted his neck to regard Jayden. "Do not stray far from me"

She nodded and followed him out the door, Theo flew slightly in front. "I can scout ahead"

The god agreed but warned the Conjuncta to stay close. In the halls, they passed many fallen soldiers and doctors, she regarded each of them with a cool satisfaction, they deserved every bit of it.

She could hear gunshots echoing from different parts of the building and hoped each Avenger would remain unharmed, she couldn't bear the thought that one would get hurt because of her.

"Thor? Can you tell the others that Doctor Terries is here?" She quietly wondered, he nodded and murmured something into his earpiece.

"What does he look like?" He relayed the question from the Avengers.

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