Chapter 22- Field trip

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The guards woke her at the early hour of 6 AM, they didn't allow her any time to bring herself around before they dragged her away to her schooling room. It was empty aside from the usual bowl of porridge and a glass of water on the table.

She dully ate the food and drank the water with a series of yawns, when she was finished she didn't have to wait for very long as Doctor Terries soon entered the room with medical supplies, no words were said as he clinically redressed her wounds from the Reminder the day before.

When he finished, he retrieved something from the guards outside and placed it on the table, Jayden frowned as he moved towards the door again.

"Get dressed" he ordered before he left the room.

She shuffled closer to the pile to see civilian-looking clothing including a coat, and a scarf. Raising an eyebrow, she quickly got dressed, Doctor Terries seemed impatient.

She anxiously fiddled with the scarf hiding the collar as she knocked on the door. Her handler had a syringe when he entered making her automatically recoil. With his stern gaze, she forced herself to still.


She complied with slight tentative movements. "W-what are we doing?"

"You'll find out soon enough, hold out your neck"

Jayden gulped at the red translucent liquid inside the syringe but obediently tilted her head to the side so he had easy access. The pinch of the injection made her flinch, she leaned back in the chair in preparation for the effects to sink in.

It didn't take long for everything to start spinning, and soon enough she succumbed to sleep.


She was sitting when she awoke, groaning, she opened her eyes in a squint. Peering around, she deduced she was in some kind of aircraft.

She rolled her stiff neck, from how it ached, she could gander it's been a couple of hours since she was put in this position. As she shuffled to get comfortable, she took notice of a tugging on her wrist. Glancing over, she saw she was handcuffed to her armrest making her almost scoff, she couldn't exactly go anywhere if they were in the air.

She eyed closely at her surroundings, to her disappointment, she didn't spot any nearby windows for her to peer out of. The seat opposite her was empty as was the rest of the cabin. She basked in the silence, enjoying herself being out of the dull facility.

Jayden shot up as she had a dreadful thought. What if she was only on this plane because they were moving her? Did they find out about her meddling the day before? Had her chances of rescue dropped to zero?

Her flurry of thoughts was cut off when the entire jet rattled, she tightly gripped her armrests with a panicked cry and wondered what was happening, for all she knew, the jet was falling out of the sky

The plane jerked a final time before the shaking stopped entirely, Jayden sighed in relief, releasing her tense hold on the armrests.

"You're awake. Good." The voice of Doctor Terries made her head jerk up, seeing him making his way towards her.

She raised her eyebrows at his appearance, instead of his formal attire, he wore a winter coat with jeans and trainers. The sight was extremely peculiar and she couldn't stop staring.

Doctor Terries ignored her bafflement and peered down at her with a stern shadow in his working eye. "I'll give you only one warning JYD2641, do not attempt anything foolish, you will not enjoy the consequences."

Jayden nodded, he tilted his head, he wanted verbal confirmation. "Yes sir"

With her obedience, he moved and unlocked her trapped wrist, with a controlling hand on her shoulder he led her out of the jet, down the stairs, and into a car below.

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