Chapter 11- Fun and games

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When the morning arrived Jayden awoke with a groan. She ached everywhere, her wrist throbbed horribly like a grating itch she would never be able to satisfy. She forced herself to sit up, with her right hand she cradled the orange cast delicately and looked down blankly. She rewinded herself back to the previous night and shuddered.

She almost couldn't comprehend how close she was to being dragged back into her old life, back to being seen as little more than a weapon, a tool. It hurt to think about it. To distract herself, she glanced over to her right, instead of seeing Pepper like she expected she was met by an empty space, her breath hitched before she reminded herself that it was in the norm for the woman to rise at early hours in the morning.

She moved her gaze to her left where Tony still snoozed away with his mouth parted open, his arm was sprawled out across her lap from where it fell away from its protective hold across her stomach. As she studied his face, Jayden realised the dark marks that plagued under his eyes had already begun to lessen and his expression was flat and relaxed, she was surprised how much younger he appeared to be when stress lines didn't burden his features.

Theo was comfortably curled up on his chest staring at her, when he noticed she was looking his way he cocked his head in silent question. Nodding, Jayden wriggled her way out of the warm depths of the bed and clambered onto her bare feet. He followed her lead, jumping to the floor, he changed into his split-tailed dog form and ran over to the door, awaiting Jayden to come and open it. She trudged forward and placed a hand on the handle, before opening, she glanced back at Tony. Biting her lip, she shook her head and decided the man needed the sleep.

When she opened the door as a quiet creak, Theo didn't waste a moment to zoom away and down the corridor. Jayden watched him go with a humourous twitch of her lips and released a humourous huff when he slipped on the smooth tiles of the floor as he was forced to stop to wait for her due to the strain of their bond. She moved to follow but the sight of the Iron Man suit guarding the room made her pause, she looked up in slight awe. She couldn't be more grateful for having such technology by her side, if anything like last night's attack were to happen again, she felt safe in knowing it would always come to her aid.

"Come on J!"

With the impatient growl from Theo, Jayden slowly dragged her feet after him. She kept her eyes on her metal saviour until she turned the bend to the kitchen. She was greeted by Pepper's smile as she arranged breakfast like, what Jayden had come to expect, every morning.

"Morning Jayden"

"Morning" she murmured, itching forward and awkwardly picking at her casted wrist.

"Don't fiddle with that" Pepper lightly scolded. "Come and sit down, how's your wrist?"

"It's okay, throbbing a little," she said, taking a seat.

"Do you want any painkillers?" Pepper asked, handing her a bowl of cereal.

"No, I'm okay." She replied, scooping up some cereal onto her spoon.


It was nearly an hour later when Tony emerged from the confines of his room wearing a very expensive black suit and tie, a yawn adorning his face as he slugged passed to the kitchen after muttering a 'morning' to Jayden who was happily watching TV in the living room.

He plopped down beside her a minute later with a granola bar in his hand. "You good Smalls?" He asked with a mouthful of food. Jayden nodded, engrossed with the cartoon on the TV.

"What is this you're watching?" He questioned staring at the talking goldfish.

"I don't even know, Pepper put it on"

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