Chapter 23- Conflicting emotions

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"No! I don't want to!"

"Settle down!"

"Shut up! I hate you! I hate you! I wish yo-"


The small body collapsed onto the floor, the thump echoed throughout the silent corridor as the subjects and their handlers paused with either horror or indifference.

Terries was the only one to continue forward, his collected stride, not as so much giving the fallen child a glance as he waved for the guards to clean up the mess.

Jayden, at four years old, couldn't keep her eyes off the blood, even when she was forced to move by a demanding hand on her shoulder. She would never forget her first look at death.


The crackling rasps from the boy's throat was the sole indication that he was still alive. His eyes vacantly staring at the ceiling, just shy from the child above who had her hand hovering over him.

It had been hours yet she still wasn't able to do it.

She had to. Terries was impatient. If she didn't, a much worse fate would reside for the both of them

She bit into her lip hard enough to draw blood, her vision blurred but it wasn't enough for her to be blind of the rotting body beneath her.

The air had an stale, diseased taste to it as she sucked a breath in. She stilled her hand to the best of her ability and zoned in on her target.

His head jerked backwards as though hit by an unstoppable object. A wet, desperate wailing sound spilled from the boy's throat, inhuman and raw.

She stepped back with a sob. Her attempts to cavern his head had failed, on the contrary, it only made it worse. His head was visibly disfigured but not enough to result in the bliss of death.

She tried again and failed again.

"I'm sorry FN" Jayden whispered as a small solace, hoping he still had the ability to hear and understand speech.

With a last strong push, a sickening crunch emitted as she completely caved his skull in. Silence at last. He was as he appeared to be. A corpse.


A boy ran down the corridor, his shoulder collided with hers as he pushed through, she stepped to the side just as multiple guards rushed after him.

A spike of pity rippled through her. There was no chance he was going to make it.

Sure enough, there was a bang further down the corridor. She passed the boy shortly with her doctor.

His blond hair turned a reddish-pink, and the grey tiles pooled with blood.

Everyone was calm and unphased. Nobody paused as they went along with their days. The guards didn't move his body. Not yet.

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