Angies diary

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Dear Diary,
I can't believe what Germán has been through. While we were eating lunch in the hospital cafeteria he finally told me. "She was pregnant." was all he said for a minute or so. His sister had got a new goyfriend and he was a bad influence. One day she went to Germán and asked him to take her to the hospital. She was going to get an abortion,but Germán refused. He told her it would be best to tell their parents so they can help raise the child,so one night she did. But his parents freaked out. They took all her means of communication, everything she needed and threw her out. Germán had no way of finding her. He never saw or heared from her again.
Until that day when he was called to the hospital. She fell down the stairs and broke her neck. When her daughter came home from school, she called Germán like her mother had told her to. Her daughter is only 7.She doesn't deserve this. But one thing puzzled me. His sister had his number but for 7 years she neer said anything. Nothing to let him know that she was alright. Why?

I put my diary away when the little girl came into the room. I knelt down beside her and gave a big friendly smile. It seemed to cheer her up.
"Hello" she whispered meekly"My names Hazel"
This was the first time she'd spoken since we first saw her 3 days ago.
"Hello Hazel, my name is Angie and this is your uncle Germán" I said guesturing in Germáns direction. Suddenly, she ran up to him and hugged him tight.
"It's really you!" She shouted "My mummy is always talking about you. I've always wanted to see you!"
A small tear rolled down his smiling face as he beamed down at her.
"She talks about me?"
"Yeah, all the time! She tells me bedtime stories about you two growing up and playing by the river in the forest." She said, finally letting go of Germán.
"Germán Castillo?" Said a doctor. He had a huge teddy bear under his right arm. "your daughter sent this for you" he said handing it over. Instantly, Germán and i burst out laughing. It was huge!
"Can I hug it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase" begged Hazel.
Germán nodded. And with that she dived onto his lap and squeezed the teddy bear as tight as she could.
"Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground teddy bear teddy bear we love uncie Germán teddy bear teddy bear lets say goodnight"
And before we knew it she was fast asleep

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