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Chapter 20

That day could not have come around fast enough. Elise and I had dreamt of wedding dress shopping since we were 10 years old. What's not to love? Free booze and pretty dresses are a winning combo. She'd been saving for years in hopes she would one day find the perfect dress like you see on those TV shows like Say Yes To The Dress. All our old friends came along as well as some of her new lawyer friends. It was set to be a very merry party and with the amount of champagne we had it was. Dress after dress looked stunning on her as she walked out with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"I think this is the one" she said to practically every dress, but seeing the joy made everyone glow.

But suddenly she comes out with the most gorgeous dress I'd ever seen in my life. It's perfect. Stunning lace detail decorates the arms and leads up to a simple yet elegant neckline. Subtle details line the remainder of the dress with an exquisite impact that draws your eye but isn't invasive.

"I'm not really sure about this one. I mean, it's beautiful but not really me" she says with ease until she turns to see my watering eyes "Oh my god Ang! Are you okay?"

"It's just... beautiful" I whisper

"Try it on then" she says hopefully "C'mon. It's just a dress, you should try it."

The shop assistant then comes over and to my shock she agrees, "It'd really work with your silhouette"

So suddenly I was trying on this dress and trying to stop myself from falling in love with it too much. After all, I couldn't have bought it, I'm not getting married! What a way to freak out German by bringing a wedding dress home.

My phone buzzes softly in the corner and his name flashes up. Of course. Nice timing universe. I tentatively answer the phone.

"Hey gorgeous. How's the shopping going?" he says innocently. I can't tell him I'm currently in a wedding dress! But weirdly I want to. Just to gauge his reaction.

"Brilliant. Elise is bursting with joy and seems to be getting closer to finding a dress. I'll probably be a while though. We still need to find dresses for the rest of us!" Wait why did I say that. I meant bridesmaid dresses but now I sound crazy, like how I'm acting.

"Haha. I bet you'll look stunning in a wedding dress one day."

"You think about stuff like that?"

"Of course. Nothing too detailed but I have imagined the basics. Is that weird?"

"If you think that's weird you'll hate what I'm currently doing"

"As long as you've not booked a wedding planner we're good."

"Elise may or may not have made me try on a dress that I'm currently stood in" I laugh, not feeling awkward but instead weirdly comfortable. It feels normal that we're discussing our wedding.

"Ooh can I see?"

"NO! It has to be a surprise"

He hold the phone away from him and calmly says

"Hold on Vilu. She's wedding dress shopping"


"No she's gone for Elise's wedding. What did she say yesterday?"

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