A Present

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When I went to work the next morning, I played my conversation with Vilu over and over in my head. Why had I said that? Did I secretly want him to propose? It was too confusing.

On my desk I saw a small box with a ribbon tied around it with a note that said 'From me x'. Was this from German? No, he would have given it to me at breakfast so he could see me open it. He's full of sweet gestures like that. Was what German said true? Could this be from Jason? Has he gotten the wrong signals?

At lunch I decided to go to Jason's house to see if it was him but as I left the studio I saw him on a bench with Sofia. They were smiling away and chatting and I got the impression that they were on a date. Well at least that means that he doesn't like me. German would be angry if he found out about Jason and Sofia. He really had a thing against Jason and I don't know why. Should I tell German? It's not my secret to tell but I always want to be completely honest with him. But I could've be worrying over nothing. Maybe it's just a first date. They might never turn into anything serious. I decided against telling German as I didn't want Sofia moving here to instantly become an issue. It just wouldn't be fair on her and Jason if I blabbed.

While I was walking back to the studio I got a text from Pablo saying ' Where are you? Emergency staff meeting after lunch. BTW hoped you liked your prezzie!'. Of course! Pablo is always really early with presents and my birthday is in two weeks. I felt like such an idiot.

Okay I know this chapter sucked but its kinda just to move the story along to where I need it to be so I can continue. Hope you liked it and as always please comment any ideas or requests you may have!

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