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1 week later:
Germán's sister is out of hospital now and i have never seen Germán more happy.his sister Sofia and I found we have alot in common and are really close now but she has also joined the group of people who obsess over Germán and I. She even came up with a ship name. Germangie. Germán said it was cute when she told us which was a litlle weird!
"Who wants to go down to the river?" Suddenly said Germán.
"Yaaaaaaay the river!" Screamed Hazel
" I didnt know there was a river near here." I said
"Okay, it's more of a stream but it's really pretty and Hazel can walk in it and we can teach her pooh sticks and it'll be a day to remember!Germán said excited.
"Okay, okay, okay. Germán calm down before you hurt youself!" I laughed
"Sounds great! Said Sofia. It would be one of the few thing she can do as she still has to be very careful. It sounds like fun!

*at the stream*
Sofia was sat on the beautiful old bridge taking photos of the trees. It really was beautiful. I wonder how Germán found out about this place, it's so quiet and tucked away. Germán and I were sat with our feet lightly dipping in the water.I loved it here. O of nowhere, Germán started tickling me so much that I fell of the bridge!
"Ow my ancle!" I said, pretending to be hurt.
"Oh no, Angie I'm so sorry!" But before he could do anything I pulled him down too!
"Thanks" he said pretending to be cross before cheekily splashing me in the face. It turned into a huge water fight and we both ended up soaked, just stood in the stream. We both burst out laughing at how rediculous we both looked until he looked me in the eye. Suddenly, I realised how close we were to eachother but I didnt want to step away. Slowly he tucked a peice of hair behind my ear before slowly leaning in. I couldnt resist and pressed my lips against his before relaxing. It was magical. I have never felt this was before. But we were cut off by a camera click and Sofia screaming "GERMANGIE FOREVER!!!!" Which made both Germán and I blush. Maybe today would be a day to remember!

Down By The River (germangie)Where stories live. Discover now