The talk

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The car ride home was so awkward! It was filled with everyone teasing Germán and I about last night. They even made up a song! Of course Sofia didn't hold back on telling everyone about the kiss and our new ship name. Now, instead of being to separate people we apparently have merged into one super Germangie thing and everyone is so annoying!
"So when is the wedding?" Olga kept asking
"Will I get a younger sibling?" pestered Vilu
But the weird thing was Romallo. He kept quiet throughout the whole thing. He just silently drove which obviously infuriated Olga.
"Romallo! How can you sit there not saying a word when young love, so beautiful and pure, is right infront of you?" She would complain.
"Yes Romallo." I said "How can you resist your undying love for Olga?"
This instantly made everyone laugh at Romallo quickly turning a very unflattering shade of red.
When we finally got home, everyone went off apart from Germán and I.
"So. It's just us then..." He said, trying to fill the silence
"We need to talk. What... what are we?"
"Well I know what you are"
"What?" I was confused
"Beautiful" he whispered, which made me blush violently!
"And you are an idiot!" I teased
"Oh yeah? You don't, you know, love me or anything?" he teased back
"Nope, in fact I think I am way out of your league"
"Well you got that right!" He shouted before chasing me onto the sofa and tickling me
"Germán..... Stop... Can't.... Breathe" and he stopped but then dicided to sit on me!
"Get off!"
"Not until you say you love me!"
"Well then its good you have a very comfy side, isn't it!" and as he said that I saw the mischievous twinkle in his eye
"Ok, ok! Germán Castillo, I am in love with you"
I gasped. I didn't mean to say that! It was supposed to be in a jokey way but I just told him how I felt. Feeling the tone change, Germán quickly got off my side and sat on the sofa next to me.
Suddenly I just blurted out the question I've wanted to ask for so long
"Where do I stand with you?"

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