A moment

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Angies pov
A- Vilu? Violetaaa? Where are you?
We're going to be late! I go into the kitchen to see Germán attempting to use the coffe machine. He looks completley lost!
A- Need a hand?
G-*sighs* I just dont get it! How does this thing work?
I never really knew how to use that machine...
A- Wheres Olga?
G- I gave her the day off with Romallo. I thought they deserved a little holiday.
A- And i dont?
G- Well...
Germán slides his arms round my waste and i freeze. It feels right but my head is telling me to pull away. Stop it. ANYTHING! Hes youre brother in law, youre dead sisters husband! But no matter how much my head was saying no, i couldnt pull away. Germán moves one hand and slides a piece of hair behing my face. He slowly leans in and i do the same.
V- Uh, sorry! Didnt mean to inturupt or...anything
Germán and i spring apart and pretend to be busy.
A- Uhhh, what? No, no! You werent interupting! Nothing was happening.
I feelby cheeks burning as Germán smiles at me.
V- If you say so...
A- We should get going. Bye Germán...
That moment. In that single minute, i realised something. I love him. I just cant deny it...

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