Sofia and a date

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As I walked up the road home I heard someone calling my name.

"Angie! Wait!"

I turned around to see a very red in the face Sofia.

"Thank God, I thought I would have to run after you forever!" she said puffing.

"Hi Sofia! How are you? It's so nice for you to visit!" I squealed hugging her. I had missed her so much after the whole incident at the river and she was now like a sister.

"Easy girl, still can't breathe" she chuckled.

"German will be so happy to see you. Are you planning on staying? Is Hazel coming too?" I was now quite overexcited.

"Well I was hoping to invite you all round to dinner at my new place, I think you'll really like it!" she said obviously trying not to ruin a surprise.

"Where are you moving to?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise."

"Of course"

"The house next to the studio! I have a friend there who is in Africa for a year and she let me buy it off her." She said now jumping up and down, trying to get me to join in.

"That's amazing! You have to have dinner with us soon so you can tell everyone. How about tomorrow night?"

"Yeah that should be fine"

"Okay I'll talk to German"

"Great, it was nice running into you!" she said before walking back to what I assumed would be her new house. She can finally meet Vilu! She's been so curious about her ever since German and I came home.

When I got home I instinctively went to go make myself a cup of tea when I felt a pair of arms round my waist. Knowing they were German's, I instantly relaxed in them.

"I have a bone to pick with you Missy" he whispered in my ear.

"Oh really? What have I done now"

"We still haven't gone on that date of ours yet and don't try and put me off" he said cheekily.

"Well you'll have to do something better than this to impress me." I teased him

"How about we go out for diner at about seven? We can go to whatever restaurant you want."

"Okay you book the flights and I'll pack the bags, my favourite place is in Italy." I said jokily.

"Okay anywhere within reason"

"I am being reasonable." I teased

"Okay then we can go to this amazing Italian place near the cathedral, I know you'll love it." he said sweetly, turning me round to face him.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be ready by seven then." I said before he cut me off with a short, sweet kiss and leaving for his office.

"Ooh. The love birds are finally going on a date!" said Vilu excitedly

"Did you listen to that entire thing" I said astounded

"Of course I did! Now we need to go shopping for the perfect dress and everything before we can start on getting you ready" she said determinedly.

"What now?"

"Yes now, grab your coat and let's go!" she said bossily

After several hours of shopping with Vilu, we came home with the perfect dress for me to wear. Don't get me wrong, I loved spending some quality time with her but she was so full of energy I couldn't keep up! I think I may need a nap after that.

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