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German pov

"Angeles?" said a woman who was walking her dog "Is that you?"

Angie turned around, swishing her bouncing curls in the golden sunlight. Why does she have to be so perfect?

"Claire!" Angie screams with a huge smile across her face"I haven't seen you in years!" she says while hugging her. From her expression, it was clear that they hadn't seen each other for years.

After Angie and Claire chatted for a few minutes Angie finally introduced us.

"So everyone, this is Claire. We went to the studio together for years. Claire, this is German my...um..." she stopped, looking into my eyes. What does this mean?What are we? "and this is his sister Sofia and her daughter Hazel." she continued, ignoring the questions she must have been thinking too.

"Oh so what I saw... okay. But I have one question. Are you and German together now?" Angie desperately looks to me, not knowing what to say.

"It's complicated" I finally muttered.

After what felt like an eternity of silence Claire finally said "You must come over soon! All of you. How about dinner tonight?"

"Sounds great" says Angie before I could say anything "Well we better get going so we'll see you tonight?"

"Sure, my house it just there" she says pointing towards the manor house near the well "Any time from 6 is fine" she says before saying her final goodbyes and leaving.

"Uh, Angie?" I whisper "We need to talk". Silently, she nods her head. She seems scared for some reason and I dont know why.

*after dinner*

After an amazing dinner, we all retired to the living room. Sofia and Claire's husband Ross are becoming friends as they both have the same interests, Hazel is happily playing upstairs with Claire's daughters Charlotte and Grace whilst Angie and Claire are laughing away next to me. They all seem so happy yet I cannot feel the same. Everyone is so content without me I feel useless. Just yesterday I saw my family at its best. I was skyping Vilu whilst pulling stupid faces to make Hazel laugh. Sofia had just been told her cast could e taken off in a few days and Angie was happily resting on my arm. It felt like my family was complete. Yet now I have no purpose. Everyone is fine without me and I feel so empty.

"I'm going to check on the girls" said Claire suddenly before swiftly running up the stairs. "Oh no!" said Angie

"Whats wrong?"

"We can't get home! Its gone midnight and the building work on our road started an hour ago!"

"You could always stay with us for the night. We have 2 spare bedrooms if you want" said Ross. And that is how it was settled. Except there was one problem. Hazel and Sofia were already sleeping in the first guest room which left me and Angie with the bed in the other. we will have to share a bed! Of course it would have to be the day that we kissed as that's just my luck. I don't know how it's going to be. Probably really awkward.

"Shouldn't we head to bed?" she said happily. She didn't seem fazed at all by the prospect of sharing a bed.

"Okay, I'll be up in a minute" I said confused before she happily ran upstairs.

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