A Dog

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As I went on my Saturday run I thought about anything and everything when a massive dog came bounding up to me. I bent down to hug the very Fang ( from Harry Potter) like dog as he looked up at me and slobbered all over my leg when I heard a chuckle from behind a bush. I turned around to see Jason laughing as I wiped the dribble from my legs. The dog then ran around us hysterically and began to sniff Jason's pockets curiously.

"Here you go, you great brute." He giggled as he chucked a biscuit to the dog

"Who's is he's" I asked, slightly worried about the owner and dog

"Well first I believe he is a she and I did see a very good looking chap walking up a path nearby a second ago." Jason said

"Do you think we could catch up with him?"

"Easily" he said as he began to laugh again "because she's mine"

"Seriously? She's so cute" I said while cuddling the huge dog

"Yeah I got her when I was in Chile doing volunteer work." He said, also kneeling down to pet his dog

"Wow I didn't know you did all that. How long were you gone?" I asked eagerly

"About 4 years. I had a nasty break up with Alisha" he said more seriously "about 6 months after we graduated and I needed to get away so I went everywhere doing what I could. I started off in Zambia and continued with that company until about 4 months ago when I moved back to Argentina"

"I've always wanted to do something like that but I've never really had the time or chance."

"I could get you the number of one of he supervisors. They are looking for helpers in Chile over the summer. I was thinking about it myself and it would be great if you came."

What would happen if I did? I'd have to leave everyone for a whole summer! I guess it wouldn't be too far so they could visit. What would German say? Would he be willing to come with me? Or maybe even Violetta? I know it's something she'd love to do.

"Anyway we best be going" he said, getting up and dusting the dirt off his trousers "Sorry about her dibble, come on Princess!"

"Princess? Really?" I said sarcastically

"Not you, the dog" He chuckled before walking away, Princess jumping excitedly at his feet.


Yay, I updated and it wasn't after several months or nagging *high-fives self happily*. So what do you guys think of Jason? Do you like him? Please comment any ideas if you have them!

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