A lecture

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I go to the studio with a smile across my face.

V- Why are you so happy?

A- No reason

V- Are you sure it isn't what happened between you and Dad this morning?

A-I dont know what you're talking about!

I lie and start walking faster but Vilu catches up with me.

V- You know, in the kitchen, when you were staring into each others eyes and about to kiss. It was so cliché!

I blush at the memory and quickly change thhe subject

A- I bet you know all about cliché with you and León!

V- Angie!

Shes using her hign and defencive voice again so I know she's distracted. We arrive at the studio so Vilu runs over to Fran and Cami while I head into the teachers lounge. Inside Pablo and Antonio are talking about the end of year show.

A- Good morning!

P- Morning Angie. (Turns back to Antonio) Do you want to discuss this later with everyone?

Antonio- I think thats best

And with that Antonio leaves.

P- So, what's made you so happy?

A- What am I not allowed so smile any more?

I say jokily.

P- Im just glad to see you so happy!

A- Good!

I make myself some tea while Pablo stands in silence.

A- Are you ok?

P- Its him isn't it...

A- What?

P- Something happened between you and Germán that youre not telling me!

A- What? Me and Germán? That's rediculous!

P- Its true! Why are you lying?

A- Why dont you trust me?


Pablo screams. He stays quiet for a few seconds to calm down.

P- Im... sorry. I didnt mean to shout. I just dont want to see you get hurt again.

A- Dont worry about me! Look, I understand but he's changed. He's not the man he used to be!

P- And you're not the person you used to be...

A- What?!

P- Dont you realise? Ever since you fell for him you've CHANGED! You've became a totally different person! You used to be completley focused on music but now its all about HIM! When are you going to admit you love him? Dont you realise you're hurting youreself by keeping all of this inside?

He'sright. I can't deny it. I have to tell Germán everything

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