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Germans pov
All through the night, Angie had been nuzzling into my shirt. Honestly, I loved having her so close. It almost felt like we were dating and it made me realise how much I needed her. As she lay across my chest, I swirled a stray piece of her hair round my finger until she started to move.
"Morning beautiful" I said withhout thinking. I looked down and saw her blush
"Good morning Germán" she replied before burrowing further into my shirt " Do we have to get up?" She sounded so sweet!
" Angie its nearly midday!" I said before the door flung open.
"Morning lazy-bones" shouted Sofia "Oh, sorry. Was I interuppting?"
Intantly, Angie and I seperated.
"No, nothing was.. Er... Happening" we both replied.
"Well ok. I just came in to say you have some visitors to take you home!" And on queue Violetta, Romallo and Olga all appeared through the dorway, all smirking at the fact that Germán and I had spent the night together.
"No Violetta, no. Dont even go there." Angie said as Vilu did her 'I told you so' face.
"Well come on lovebirds, lets get you home!" Cried Olga which made both of us blush.
When they all left for us to get ready, Angie tapped me on the shoulder.
"Uhh, Germán? We need to talk..."

Down By The River (germangie)Where stories live. Discover now