Middle names

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As I lay in Germán's arms he slowly plays with my hair. He can be so cute sometimes!
"Angie.." he says slowly "Do you want to... maybe... Um, don't worry"
I turn around worried "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Well i was just womdering if you would like to maybe, you know, go on a date?" He whispered which made me laugh
"Why are you laughing?" He asked looking slightly offended
"Its just so sweet how nervous you were about askin me out!" I giggle
"I dont know what you mean!" He says in his high and defensive voice
"You sound like Violetta!"
"Shhhh Angeles!" He says as he knows I dont like it
"Wait, Germán!" I scream suddenly realising something "I dont know your middle name!"
"Good!" He chuckled
"Tell meeeeeeeee"
"Well whats your middle name, Angeles?"
"Lilly, if you must know. But what about you?"
"Angeles Lilly Cararra, I do not have one"
"Yes you do! I remember Maria teasing you with it because you hate it!"
"Promise you wont laugh?"
"Fine, just tell me. It cant be that bad!"
"Hammhdoihdiqbi" he mumbles
"My middle name is Hamish"
*yes Sherlock quote😉*
I burst out laughing
"Germán Hamish!" I scream
"Whats all the comotion about" screams Ogla as she walks in with a frying pan
"His... Middle... Name..." I manage to say between laughs. From the corner of my eye I see Germán smiling at my over reaction and winks at me when he catches my eye. I know he will get me back...

Down By The River (germangie)Where stories live. Discover now