A conversation

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I return home to a content Germán but Vilu appears to have been dreading this moment. She seems relieved to see me when I give her a comforting smile.

"So how's Elise?" Germán asks casually

"Excited. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy before!" I say genuinely thrilled for her

"You should get her and her fiancé round for dinner some time. I'd really like to meet her."

He doesn't seem freaked out in the slightest. Shouldn't he be terrified of what I said? To consider such a commitment at such an early stage should be a massive red flag. So why isn't he worried?

"That'd be nice" I say before swiftly running up the stairs to put away my bridesmaid dress.

I sit on the end of my bed thinking about why I'm with Germán. He makes me so happy but there's always been a lingering sense of guilt. Of course I'd love to be with him for as long as we can be but I don't think I could ever marry him. But he's such a hopeless romantic I know he'd love to get married. For him it's the natural next step but it's a step I can't take with him. But what does that mean for us? Do we have to brake up?

A knock at my door snaps me out of my thoughts. Vilu stands on the other side,  doing enough worrying for everyone. When I open the door she lunges to hug me. I didn't realise how desperately I needed a hug.

"I'm so sorry if I've made things awkward for you. I didn't tell him what you said, just that we had had a conversation about it. I'm so sorry. I've messed everything up!" She whispers, her voice wobbling with emotion.

"Oh Vilu, you've not messed anything up. We need to talk about it sooner or later so there's no need to be sorry. Your dad and I are just fine."

Germán appears in the doorway, confused as to why Vilu is upset.

"I'll give you two a moment" and with that she slips out.

"I need to talk to you. " I blurt our before I loose my nerve

" Of course! What do you want to talk about?"

" So when I was trying non that dress at the shop it got me thinking about our future"

"Oh okay it's a big subject then"

" and I realised I could never marry you."

His face falls as I see his hopes for us crumble

"Okay. I understand. If you can't see a future with us then there's no point in staying together."

We both hold back our tears. Neither one of us want to do this but it feels like the only option


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