1. The big News.

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I turned on the TV to see a very devastating news about Samantha. A sex tape of her had just been released and her face is now all over the media being mocked.

What a useless tramp.

It was just sad Kristrin's name had to be in the news seeing as though she had claimed she was pregnant with his child.

Now she's being labelled as a whore and slut because there wasn't only one but multiple videos of her.

Samantha has also claimed to be very devastated and will be pressing charges against whoever released such private videos of her.

"These videos are horrendous!" Grace shrieked turning her phone in different angels hoping to get a better view of what was happening on her screen.

"Can you believe she had so many videos of her taped having sex with different football players." I exclaimed.

"Her parents must be very devastated about this." Graced added.

Samantha was getting back exactly what she deserved for ruining others relationship. Karma was being a bitch to her.

Now I had to worry about my pregnancy. I played with the key chain on my neck that had the promise ring connected to it. I didn't know what I was doing.

I was yet to get my masters degree even though my baby would be more than ok knowing that I had everyone around me for support.

I thought about all the ways of breaking the news to everyone but I was not ready to, just as how I was not ready to have a baby.

I contemplated on how I'd break the news Kristrin a million times and one. I've tried picking up the phone and calling him but has never had enough courage to.

"Anyway enough about Samantha. Let's have a girl talk. What about you? How are you feeling and how's my goddaughter doing?" Grace questioned placing her head at my stomach.

"We're doing perfectly fine." I told her.

"So have you decided as yet?"

"Decided what?"

"Anna, don't play clueless with me. Kristrin deserves to know that your having his child whether you like it or not."

"He's going to know Grace. I just don't know when."

I couldn't help but be a little happy that I had something that connected me to him especially after finding out everything.

"And do you plan on forgiving him?" She questioned.

"After finding out that Kristrin is innocent and that Samantha plotted all of this will you forgive him?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know anything. I'm confused."

"I guess it makes no sense asking you when your going to tell your parents or if you'll decide to go through with the plan that the others came up with or if your going to let Sebastian know that your pregnant."

"I'll never agree to Kristrin being close to that disgusting bitch."

"At least there's something your actually sure about." Grace mumbled.

"I heard that."

"One thing is for sure though. Is that you'll be having four or even five godfather and one lucky godmother."

I did the calculation realizing that Grace was adding Sebastian to the list.

"Kristrin would never let Sebastian be his child's godfather and Steff technically would be my baby's first cousin and once you and Steff gets married it'll practically make you an in-law." I smiled.

"What about how you feel for Sebastian? Will you give him a chance after this?"

"Ughhh, I don't know!"

"I'll just let everything play out as it is. I'm tired of thinking and my brain is tired. I feel like a rock is resting on my shoulder."

"And you shouldn't be stressed out. Since knowing you've been pregnant you haven't even gone to the doctor not once to ensure that the baby or babies are ok Anna!" Graced shouted immediately making me break down in tears.

"I know I'm a bad mother." I was scared.

"I think you should schedule a doctor's appointment or at least tell your mom so that she can do a check up and ensure that you and the baby are ok?"

"Fine I'll have a check up done on Tuesday."

"And your not a bad mother. Your only stressed that's all." Grace assured me.

"Do you think that what Steff said about Kristrin might be true?" I had thought about it a hundred times and I just could not get the thought of it out of my mind.

"Well I think the right person you should be asking is one of Kristrin's parents. Only they can give you the precise truth."

"And in order to ask them I'd probably be giving away the fact that I'm pregnant for Kristrin. Gosh I didn't realize that so many people were involved."

"I think Kristrin will have a field day when he figures out that your pregnant."

"He'll go ballistic spoiling this baby. I don't think Sebastian will ever have a chance to be your boyfriend after this. Kristrin will no doubt see this an opportunity to get back at him and rub it in his face."

"I know which makes this all the more worst because Sebastian left Linda for me and he's even willing to quit football if I give him the go ahead. That's a person worth never giving up on. A person that makes sacrifice's to make sure that your happy." I sighed.

"Well can you imagine Kristrin with another female?"


"Can you imagine Sebastian with another girl?"

"I guess not."

"Well I'm afraid to say it Anna but you might just be falling in love with pretty boy Sebastian after all. Since you can never imagine both with someone else."

"You really think so? It's only been a few weeks since Sebastian and I have gotten close. I think that's too soon to fall in love with someone." I told her.

"You'd be surprised to know. I'm sure you've heard of love at first sight. Why not have a polyamory relationship or secretly have a love affair." Grace joked around.

"I need something to eat." I lied  walking towards the kitchen.

What if what Grace said was true and I was going to be in some sort of love triangle?

On one hand there was Kristrin and on the other hand there was Sebastian. I needed to make up my mind before things start to spiral out of control.

"Anna your going to want to see this on Tv." Graced spoke sounding shocked.

"Grace I think your watching too much Tv." I had a very big problem on my hand. I didn't need to be watching TV.

"Says the person that smoocharoo's and watches movies on Tv ever so often with Mr. Handsome." She retorted.

"Touche." I turned to see what caught her attention.

I gasped seeing the breaking news of Kristrin quitting professional football on the TV.

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