17. Snorkeling.

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"Ok break it up. Don't you two know having too much sex in one day causes brain damage." I exaggerated.

"Maybe for you but definitely not for us though." Steff openly voiced cuddling up to a blushing Grace.

I sighed slapping my forehead. Maybe it would've been better visiting the twins instead.

Oh I wished to have someone to keep me in bed all day.

"Anyways, Sebastian and I are going snorkeling do you two care to join us?"

"We'd love to but we're currently busy and try not to get Sebastian or yourself killed, remember that there's a psychotic ex on this trip as well. Also try not to take my words likely." Steff quickly dismissed.

"I want to go snorkeling." Grace chimed in.

"But I thought you wanted to spend time in bed with me." Steff whined like a child.

"You both can get to do that later tonight." I glared at Steff.

"Plus I have never gone snorkeling before and I don't want to only spend all of my days here in bed." She beamed.

"But you don't know how to swim so let's just stay right here in bed." Steff tried his luck.

"You don't have to know how to swim to snorkel, and non-swimmers such as Grace and myself can snorkel in shallow areas where swimming is not required. Problem solved." Steff glared at me.

"Now that we're all going snorkeling why not invite the others too, I'm sure Kristrin would just love to come." Steff mopped.

"The others are busy with other stuffs plus we all know they don't get along with Sebastian and he's my...." I stopped myself not wanting to reveal just yet that Sebastian and I decided to part ways instead of pursuing a relationship together.

"He's your what?" Steff perked up.

"You're boyfriend?! Have you two decided to date? Are you two going spruce things up on the vacation?" Grace questioned eagerly before Steff interrupted her.

"If he's your boyfriend as Grace say's.... Then I'm happy for you but not to be a party pooper as well but I think keeping your relationship a secret would be best for you and Sebastian while we're on this trip. Also try not to show any display of affection..."

"Whether Sebastian and I are dating or not it's strictly between the both of us and no one else, thank you. Now I'm giving you both three minutes to get ready. I'll be waiting outside the door."

If these two found out that Sebastian and I called it quits surely the others would find out and they'd see it as an opportunity to taunt Sebastian about not being good enough for me. Kristrin would also see it as an opportunity to step in.

But then again maybe it would be best if I told the others. Maybe they'd stop there unnecessary childish feud with Sebastian but it might just make things even worse. It was confusing to say the least.

And that's why I decided to let them know once Sebastian and I departed. Kristrin would surely be happy after finding out.

I was almost in a loosing battle of giving into him. My body was constantly craving Kristrin with every chance I got to see him.

This vacation with Kristrin was not going to be easy since I was having a hard time keeping my hands off of him.

"So they're coming?" Sebastian scratched the back of his head.

"Yes and there's no need to be nervous it's only Grace, Steff, you and I." I told him as the two made there way outside the room.


We all made our way out to the shore as we closely listened to what our instructor had to say and as I was about to put on my snorkel mask when Grace pulled at my hand.

"Oh my god, I know what your doing." She voiced.

"I have no idea what your talking about Grace."

"That red bikini of yours says it all Anna. We all know who likes to see you in red and you made sure to pick out the most gorgeous bikini of all. Does Kristrin even know had a navel piercing? You know well Kristrin is going to go crazy when he finds out that you and pretty boy went snorkeling together in that." Grace put together.

"That's absurd plus you and Steff are with us." I shot down trying to keep back my smile before pulling on my mask.

"Are you ready?" I eagerly asked Sebastian and the others.

"What the fuck is going on here?" A voice startled us from behind.

We all turned around to see the twins Kyle and Kristrin behind us. Of course they would've somehow found us with such a vast amount of beach covered with thousands of guests.

"We're going snorkeling, what else does it look like?" I rolled my eyes at them.

"God damnit Anna! When did you get a navel piercing? You look so.... different." Maurice flirtatiously teased.

"Not only that but why weren't we invited to this little snorkeling adventure you guys got going on here?" Kyle questioned.

I looked towards Kristrin to find him more than fixated and fascinated with my navel piercing.

"Well we assumed you guys could always go snorkeling another time plus I'm sure it would be better this way for all of us." I suggested.

"Suddenly Sebastian shows up and we're sidelined." Marco scoffed.

I hated whenever they tried to bully Sebastian seeing as though he was a loner. Not only that but I knew Sebastian was fed up which was one of the reasons why he decided against pursuing a relationship with me.

"Ohh we're coming alright." Kristrin interjected finally taking his eyes of my bikini and piercing.

"Fine but we won't be waiting on any of you." I stated before putting on my gear and jumping into the shallow water together with Grace, Sebastian and Steff right behind.

The warm water kissed my skin as I took in the abundance and variety of color while slowly making my way in deeper with the others, the types of creatures around was simply staggering.

And at first it was hard to comprehend the multiple feeling I was going through.

But after closely following our snorkeling instructor and coming across the beautiful marine life while witnessing the colorful live corals, our excitement went off the roof leaving us desperately wanting to see more.

We even managed to take pictures next to fishes while playing around.

Our time beneath the shallow waters couldn't have been better until I saw what looked like a god-damn shark passing my way.

I immediately turned around out of fright and collided with Kristrin. With my heightened awareness, anxious state and survival instinct to stay alive in mind.

I immediately latched my legs onto Kristrin for protection while showing my anxious state to get away from the shark.

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