32. Work-life and sex.

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"Mr. Slovac would like to see you in his office Anna." One of the nurses addressed as I completed checking up on one of my patients.

I smiled more than eager to see my boyfriend.

"It must be something pretty good why your smiling so brightly." Lilith, my twelve your old patient spoke.

"It is actually." I exited the room as her parents re-entered after going to the vending machine.

"Will she be ok nurse Walker?" Lilith mother asked with worry.

"She's doing perfectly fine Mrs. Smithfield, there's absolutely no reason for you to worry. I'll prepare the discharge papers so she'll be ready to leave by tomorrow. I just need to keep her overnight for further analysis." I advised her.

"Thank you very much." She smiled before attending to they're daughter.

I entered the elevator and headed off into the direction of my boyfriend's office. I smiled knowing exactly why he wanted to see me.

I entered Kristrin's comfy office without knocking on the door, it's where I'd come most of the time to be around him but he also preferred me to be in his office where he could see to it that I was doing fine.

You could say it was just him being possessive.

"How can I help you Mr. Slovac?" I stared at Kristrin as he was looking outside the glass window.

"I have some disturbing urgencies that I need to be taken care of and because you're a nurse I thought you might be able to help." His eyes mischievously shimmered seeing me.

"And what seems to be the problem Mr. Slovac?" I questioned locking his office door and advanced towards his desk.

"You see Miss. Walker my cock tends to throb whenever it see's or senses your presence? I would like your help in rectifying my situation immediately." Kristrin answered making me smile.

"I can surely help you with this but I can clearly see your suffering from what seems to be Compulsive sexual behavior." I diagnosed.

"And what exactly is compulsive sexual behavior nurse Walker?" Kristrin attentively asked looking me up and down while biting his lips.

"Well compulsive sexual behavior or otherwise known as sexual addiction is extremely frequent and is sudden increased libido which can cause you distress which can negatively affects your job." I emphasized with him as I got on top of his desk before him and folded my legs.

His eyes watching my every little movement making me smirk.

"And how do you suppose we diagnose my constant sexual urges nurse?" Kristrin placed his hands at both side of me, crouching down before me, our lips almost touching.

"Well I suggest releasing your urges and desires at least twice daily especially once your at work Mr. Slovac." I urged him.

I hand made it's way to his pants opening buckle and slowly taking his cock into my hand while he stared at me.

"Let me take a look at it for you Mr. Slovac." I purred getting down from off the desk.

I got down on my knees while gazing up at Kristrin as I rubbed his hard throbbing member, I was practically french kissing the tip of head while rubbing his foreskin back and forth before thrusting his cock into my mouth.

The sensation taking him by force and I slowly took him in and out bobbing my head up and down his long length and taking him all in. Kristrin head tilted backwards groaning loudly.

Seconds later I quickened my pace loving how mad I was driving him with his grunts and moans and uneven breathing, his hand then extended to my head pulling me down on his cock and making me choke.

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