40. Besties' big moment.

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"I feel claustrophobic, as if I'll pass out before I go down that aisle or something." Grace trembled, her hands fluttering back and forth.

"You shouldn't be because you have absolutely nothing to be worrying about." I consoled her while rubbing my stomach.

"You have no trouble saying that because you're not the ones being married in front of such a large crowd." She retorted.

"There are just twenty-five individuals in the room, including your parents, Steff's parents, my parents, Kristrin's parents, your fiance, the twins, Kyle, Kristrin, Charlotte, Olivia, a few grandparents, and others you're already familiar with. So calm down. You look wonderful, and everything will go according to plan." I was exasperated by the time I concluded my brief speech.

My hormones were off the chart and my daughter kept kicking. It was like a football tournament. I was starting to get a little irritated by this.

"Are you certain? What if I have a sudden urge to vomit?" Grace snatched my hand, and I could tell she was about to yank her own hair out.

"Anna, I'll take it from here. It's almost time for you and your fiance to go down the aisle." Grace's father smiled as he took her daughter's hand in his.

My gut knotted at his words, and I finally understood why Grace was so worried. When it came to my turn, I was certain to pass out.

As her father consoled Grace, I gave her a slight nod before leaving to find Kristrin.

Outside the door, I was able to locate my charming fiance. I grinned as he reached out to take my hand.

"You're looking quite dashing." As he led me to the aisle, Kristrin clasped my arm around his. Grace and decided to let us walk in pairs which made it a lot easier for me.

"Bella, you look amazing." He expressed his admiration.

"I know your only saying that to make me feel better, I look more like a hot air balloon rather than amazing." I gave him a sneer and rolled my eyes.

We had caught up with the others just as they were starting to walk down the aisle. It was the twins, Charlotte, and Olivia, but Kyle was alone; he chose not to bring a plus one.

"Now that you resemble my hot air balloon, I think you're much more attractive. For the rest of my life, I'd rather have you this way. I'd be a fool if I met the woman of my dreams who was carrying my child and thought she was unattractive." Hearing Kristrin's remarks made me smile.

His comments had a calming effect on me. Apart from my father, he was the only person who could make me feel more beautiful than anyone else, and at this time, I couldn't care less what others thought of me.

With my watermelon stomach, I looked stunning.

"Thank you baby."

It was finally time for us to walk down the aisle hand in hand, and I clutched Kristrin's arms tightly, my emotions running high.

As we moved through the crowd, my parents and Antonio, as well as Kristrin's parents and sister, cheered us on. We were dressed in long purple dresses which I found comfortable while the men dressed in black and Steffon in white.

"Let me know if you're experiencing any discomfort of any kind, Bella." Before we left ways, Kristrin whispered in my ear.

"Even if they're kissing or exchanging rings?" I teased in the midst of everything.

"Even if they're exchanging kisses and rings Bella." He repeated making me chuckle.

As the maid of honor, I stood next to Charlotte and Olivia, but closer to the right, where Grace would stand, Kyle was the best man as well. Sadly her sister could not make it because of school.

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