14. Good Riddance.

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My nose flared as Samantha was about to walk away smugly. She had come all this way just to embarrass me at my graduation. Even her dress was provocative.

I wanted to pull her damn hair so badly but as if hearing my thoughts Kristrin held onto my hand calming my raging heart for this stupid bitch.

"On the contrary Samantha I have every evidence against you to prove that your child is not mine and to also prove a lot of things you wouldn't want anyone to know." Kristrin spoke grabbing all of our attention.

"What?!" I looked towards him with wide eyes eagerly awaiting to hear what he had to say about the chick I was about to pound any minute now.

I can't believe he had evidence that the baby is not his and did not tell me about it.

"W..what are you talking about Kristrin?" Samantha timidly asked as guilty.

"Cat caught your t..tongue?" I teased making the others snicker. It felt good finally getting back at her.

"Are you sure you'd like for me to publicize or disclose what I have to everyone Samantha?" Kristrin questioned her.

"Yes. I'm sure our dear Samantha doesn't have a thing to hide." I quickly responded taunting her.

"I have nothing to hide so whatever you have to say you can say it right here, right now." Samantha took the bait as I hoped she would.

"Someone anonymous brought a few evidence of messages you sent to Henry, your ex about my supposed child not being mine and being. Those messages also contains you confessing about drugging me the night you tried to assault me." I gasped turning towards Samantha.

I gasped even though I had knew these but Henry previously stated he had no evidence of this.

I guess he wanted for us to find another way out of this mess without letting Samantha here think he ratted her out seeing how she could ruin his career with a snap of her finger.

"Your a rapist." I spat at her with disgust.

"I am fucking not!"

"I have no fucking idea of what the hell your talking about Kristrin. I guess my ex-boyfriend might've given you those fake messages as a way of making you believe this baby is yours. Well it's your baby and you can bet I'll be suing the both of you for circulating false messages about me." She glared but I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"There's no way your able to sue someone for something that they didn't do without evidence Samantha. You need evidence for that and I can assure you that your ex had nothing to do with it." Kristrin added.

"Now that we're talking about suing let's talk about my reputation and emotional trauma you've caused. Let's talk about me suing you for having me drugged and pining a baby on me that you knew was not mine?" Kristrin spoke.


"Do you know what other evidence I have?"

"Evidence of your fraudulent bachelor's degree. Messages that you sent back and forth between my college coach Carlos helping him with multiple devious plans of destroying my relationship between me and my girlfriend including others. The list goes on Samantha. So I'll see you in court."

By the time Kristrin was finished I was more than surprised to know so much more about Samantha. She was a terrible human being.

She was a fraud and everything that Henry had said was absolutely true.

"I thought that you were different from all the rest. Why would you go above and beyond for someone who's not even worth it. I'm more than better than her. Kristrin I love you and I'm also having your baby." She spoke almost tearfully.

I can't believe she's looking for his pity even after being caught.

I glared at Kristrin after hearing her stupid words. It wasn't his fault she was a crazy bitch but he was lenient enough with her that she had the audacity to spew bullshit and think she could somehow get his pity.

"Listen you rapist..." I was cut off by Kristrin before I could finish giving her a piece of my mind.

"She's not worth it Bella."

"Trying to separate and trap a man that's madly in love with someone would've never worked Samantha. In terms of drugging and trying to assault me, anyone would've saw that as a sign of you plain crazy."

"But what about your so called ex-girlfriend Kristrin? I know she was the one and her minions to release those sex video of me." She glared.

"I'm nothing like you. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one to have released it." I shot back at her.

"Do you have evidence of this?" Kristrin questioned her.


"You see this girl right here is worth more than you could ever imagine. I'd do anything for her. Something I'm not sure you understand. The moment you crossed the line with her was the moment you made the worst decision of your life. She's the woman of my life and if you try to come between us or even try to even harm her in any way possible I'll be sure to take you down. I've already warned you before, don't let it happen again." By the time Kristrin had finished I was already beaming with pride and joy inside.

A few onlookers had gathered around but Kyle and the others made sure nothing was recorded.

I was pulled along as Kristrin took my hand. Tightly not letting go while the the others followed suite. I hadn't planned to take his car but I decided to let it slide this once.

I wasn't going to see him for the next few weeks anyway.

"When did you manage to get all of this incriminating evidence against Samantha and why didn't you say anything to anyone?" I questioned as everyone took separate cars.

Kristrin made sure to lift me up as if I was a child and also made sure to buckle my seat belt.

He was acting as if I was two to five months pregnant instead of just two weeks pregnant.

"I began investigating her a few weeks back when everything began. I just needed to finalize a few things with my lawyers before I could release any evidence that might get me in trouble." He explained.

"Well I'm just happy that she'll be out of my hair for good." Kristrin turned to smile at me before turning back round.


"Don't play innocent with me Bella."

"I don't know what your talking about Kristrin."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

"Well during my investigation I came to find out a little birdie had her friends dig up information on Samantha and then she made them release those sex video for punishment." Kristrin spoke and I gasped.

"What kind of person would do such a thing?!" I tried concealing my smug face.

"I know it was you Bella." Kristrin smirked while driving his car.

"Ok fine it was me but how did you find out that I did it?" She did deserve it.

"There's a lot of things I know that you don't know princess."

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