43. A new addition to the family.

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The agony of delivering a baby was not worth having another child. No way. I expected it to hurt, but I didn't anticipate it to hurt like a bitch.

Sadly, every push elicited a profanity from my mouth. Kristrin sat next to me, seated with assistance. With all of the obscenities I shouted at him, the poor thing never stopped supporting me.

Finally, my child had entered the world. My bundle of joy arrived, and we were all relieved to see her. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was a doppelganger for both her father and myself.

When I saw her in the doctor's arms, I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"A gorgeous and healthy newborn girl." My heart swelled with pride for my baby when the doctor said so.

I suppose the feeling is indescribable to the point where parenting causes a full shift in behavior.

I kept a close eye on Kristrin after he clamped and cut my umbilical tube exactly as we had planned. My baby girl was then whisked away by her father, who quickly removed his disposal lab coat to have skin-to-skin contact with his daughter.

This time, the tears streaming down my face were not from agony, but from pride and excitement. The two most significant people in my life were there in front of me, and they were extremely valuable to me.

Kristrin yearned to hold his baby, and he did so while rocking her back and forth. My heart swelled when I saw his shiny eyes. I truly wanted to touch her, but I didn't want to disrupt Kristrin and his daughter's wonderful and precious moment.

I'll never forget the first time I witnessed my partner hold his baby, and I can only image how it felt for him.

"She's indeed beautiful....my baby girl." Kristrin laughed using her tiny fingers to brush his cheeks.

He was officially a father.

He gently placed her inside my arms after giving her a gentle kiss on the head. I was fatigued, afraid, overwhelmed, and smitten. I felt compelled to shield her from all harm.

A part of me couldn't believe she was in my arms, while another felt as if I'd known her for years. The first time I held my newborn child in my arms was a moment I will never forget.

"Hello, sweetheart." I cooed at her feeling on cloud nine.

Have your thoughts about her name changed?" I asked her father, who looked at us both with pride. As I inquired with Kristrin yawned, the baby yawned.


"Raine Kristina Slovac," I grinned as I turned to see my daughter.

"All right, Raine, it's time for her evaluation." I reluctantly gave her over as the doctor as she spoke.

Kristrin came up as the baby was being bathed, eager to be the one to do it first, and we watched as our daughter went through a series of tests.

It was hours later after getting stitched and cleaned that I was able to finally get the opportunity to breast feed my little bundle of joy. Kristrin stood above us watching and I could see the thousands of emotions he was going through.

I watched as Raine gave me a curiously amused smile and yawned, when the enormity of her similarity to me hit forcibly.

Kristrin wasn't one to show emotions but he had completely let down his guard today, as a matter of fact he had been showing that a lot for past few months.

"You two have a whole lot of visitors outside waiting for you which not all will be permitted to see you all at once." Doctor Claire advised.

"I think we should have the parents come and see the baby first. It would be detrimental for us to invite the others in before our parents." Kristrin expressed and I nodded knowing they would reprimand us in so many ways for having them wait.

Raine was snatched from my cradled arms as soon as the doctor left and both of our parents arrived.

"Her name is Raine Krista Slovac." I expressed as they surrounded her in ohh's and awe's.

"She's stunning, you two did absolutely fantastic with this one." They all admitted fanning over Raine.

"When we first saw her, we said the same thing." I said it with a smile.

"If it's okay with you, we'd be delighted to look after our granddaughter anytime you two are busy or simply need some alone time, especially for your wedding and honeymoon." Mom pleaded with me.

"Now it's my time." Kristrin's father spoke taking Raine out of my father's arms.

She was like a pass around baby as they continued to admire her, Kristrin stood tightly holding my hands in support and in no time they were outed for the others to come in.

We closely watched the same thing that happened with our parents happened with our friends as well.

The twins placed a tiny bracelet around her hand so that they would always be with her which made me smile while there girlfriends ohh and awed just like our parents did.

Grace and Steff pretended to bless Raine by making everyone say a prayer which was really nice.

Kyle was hesitant to hold the baby because he believed she was fragile and likely to break, so he chose to play with her from a distance.

My brother, Kristrin's sister, grandparents, and others followed. Raine's love and affection were shown by around thirty family members and friends.

We were left in silence for another hour or so, and it was then that I felt the weight of everything bearing down on me, since I had been feeling a little lightheaded the entire time.

"I'm exhausted." I muttered out, on the point of falling asleep despite my best efforts to stay awake.

Kristrin's lips met mine in a soft and gentle caress, enveloping me in his warmth. His finger glided down my neck, our lips ever-so-slightly parted, and I could feel the same fluttering and tingling as before. A tiny little bit of pleasure, followed by a smooth, warm breath that ends in a barely audible hum.

As both of my lives sat before me, I smiled and closed my eyes.

I drifted off to sleep with Kristrin's hand on my stomach, his other hand cradling Raine, feeling terribly tired and exhausted. His soothing voice reassured me that everything would be alright.

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