10. Conclusions.

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One week ago.......

Third party's POV....

"Even if your qualified Kristrin, we still can't get over what you did to our daughter. You don't know how much it hurts to see our own child in pain and cannot do anything about it." Anna's father frowned upon Kristrin.

Over the years Mr. Walker had grown to find Kristrin a very suitable fit for his daughter Anna even though he was opposed to the idea at first.

"And maybe Anna would be upset once she found out we went behind her back to hire you knowing what you've done to her." Mrs. Walker spoke up this time.

Mrs. Walker was more than fund of Kristrin. She adored him. He reminded him of her husband when she had met him back in college.

She found that Kristrin was very protective of her daughter Anna and not only that but Kristrin always went the extra mile to make sure Anna was happy even though he was least present for her during the past four years.

Sadly Kristrin didn't know that giving Anna everything she wanted while being away was making her feel lonely.

"I know Anna might be upset but I need to make it right." Kristrin tried to clarify to her parents.

"I know and we understand that you went the extra mile to quit football and make things right but we want to do what's best for Anna and hiring you here might just backfire on us." Mrs. Walker exclaimed feeling sad about the entire situation.

This would be a very good opportunity for Kristrin and Anna to rekindle things but Anna herself hated even talking about the topic that involved Kristrin.

"I can see that your a very ideal person for this role Kristrin and we would love to have you here so that you two can also mend the bond but we have to first see that it won't blow up in our face." Mr. Walker spoke to Kristrin.

"I have evidence that can prove I'm innocent." Kristrin spoke handing both Mr. Walker and Mrs. Walker corroboration.

"Oh my god?!" Annabella gasped covering her mouth.

"Has Anna seen this? Does the others know?" Mr. Walker asked seeming very disturbed at what Kristrin was showing him both on paper and on his phone.

"No. I had just acquired all these information recently. You two are the first one's I've showed. I plan to have the others know soon but I just need to run a few things by my lawyers first." Kristrin took his evidence from Anna's parents.

"And all of what you just showed us are legit? There real? Am I correct?" Mrs. Walker asked very hopeful.

"Yes they are." Kristrin reassured the two.

"Oh thank god! I'm so sorry for even doubting you!" Annabella jumped happily even pulling Kristrin into her arms.

"If this is the case then welcome to Horizon hospital. I'm sure you'll make a valuable team to our family here." Mr. Walker shook Kristrin's hand proudly.

"Is there anything we can do to help? You were there to help Anna in the beginning with our niece Maria. I'm sure there's something we can do to help you now?" Mrs. Walker eagerly asked Kristrin.

"There is something actually." Kristrin gave them all the information.

After getting into resolving what could be resolved Kristrin suddenly had the urge to throw up.

"There's the bathroom." Annabella pointed to Kristrin very concerned.

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Walker asked after Kristrin came out of the bathroom.

"I'm feeling fine." Kristrin told but obviously they could see that he had forced it.

"Well was it something you ate that lead you to vomit? No one vomits without being upset about something or because thier indeed sick." Annabella spoke concerned.

"We can clearly see that your not upset about something here so something is wrong with you. Now I want you in my doctor's office to do a thorough check up." Annabella sternly told Kristrin.

Of course Kristrin could not resist. Annabella was like a second mother to him and it felt wrong going against Bella's mother.

"Ok." Kristrin agreed.

"I will be fine. You go ahead love." Mr. Walker voiced to his wife before she could question if her husband would be ok.

Nodding her head Annabella lead the way to her office to have a check up done on Kristrin. She had him sat on the bed while she asked him a few questions to see what could be the possible cause of his vomiting.

Even though a mere vomit could be anything simple. A doctor knows that usually, in most cases, vomiting is harmless itself, but it is a sign that something in the body is not working how it should be.

"How long have you been vomiting for?" Mrs. Walker questioned Kristrin.

"A few days." Kristrin responded and Mrs. Walker raised her eyebrows at this.

"A few days? Well have you been going through any other symptoms? Changed the way you've eat or things you've ate lately?" She questioned once again.

"Just anxiety, nausea, mood swings, aches and pains but I think it mostly has something to do with Bella." Kristrin awkwardly listed Anna out clearly a little embarrassed to admit to her mother how much she affected him.

"And no my food choices has not changed neither the way I eat." Kristrin finished.

"For how long have you been feeling those for?" Mrs. Walker inwardly smiled hearing Kristrin's confession.

"About a few days to a week." He confessed.

"And why didn't you visit a doctor?" She questioned again a little shocked at Kristrin's revelation.

"I've been very busy Mrs. Walker and I suspect it might've been something that I ate......" Kristrin stopped once he realized that he was clearly trying make up an excuse.

"That can't be right." Annabella mumbled to herself.

"What is it?" Kristrin questioned concerned about her response.

"I'll do a few test on you just to be a hundred percent sure." Mrs. Walker told Kristrin to which he reluctantly gave in.

Minutes after Mrs. Walker ran a few tests. She came back with the results.

"Everything shows that your in perfectly good health Mr. Slovac."

"So I guess you did get that girl pregnant after all." Anna's mother spoke bewildered by the events that were happening today.

Kristrin then looked at her confused as if she had grown two horns in her head.

"What do you mean Annabella?"

"Your symptoms shows that you have Couvade syndrome." Annabella spoke to Kristrin.

"And what is a Couvade syndrome?" Kristrin asked confused.

"Couvade syndrome normally occurs in men whenever thier partners are pregnant. It's a medical term given for men displaying symptoms similar to a woman's pregnancy symptoms."

Hearing her words Kristrin was more than confused. Samantha was definitely not pregnant with his child so that was impossible.

And then it hit him.

Seeing Kristrin's dumbstruck face Annabella then came to a awestruck realization that her baby......

Bella was pregnant.

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