21. Sneaky Bastard.

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"You're wearing that?" Grace pointed out as I twirled in the mirror while looking at myself.

"Don't start something if there's nothing to be started Grace. I saw the dress and thought it would be a nice fit that's all." I told her.

"Of course, I wouldn't be the one to finish what you started. Wearing that seductive dress is asking for it Anna and I love it!" Grace cheered making me laugh.

"Aren't I allowed to look good? And everyone knows Kristrin's prefers red dresses on me and not black." I smiled.

"I don't think you could've looked any better in any other color." She continued to praise.

"You think so?" I happily smiled.

"Everyone knows black is even more sexier than red, you know exactly what your doing." She called out.

"Women." Steff mumbled in the corner while rolling his eyes at us and then getting back to his phone.

"Well let's go. We don't want everyone to think we're lost." Grace got up off my bed.

"That's the first thing sensible you two have said so far for the last several minutes." Steff spoke before I slapped him.

We then went down to the lobby and into the restaurant where the others were seated excluding Sebastian who thankfully thought it was best to sit this one out.

I recognized that there was an empty seat next to Kristrin which I seated myself to while Grace sat next to my left.

"The next time we decide to go out I'll falsify the correct time so that you all can be early. You people are almost twenty minutes late." Marco pointed out.

"I know I know but I sorta had a tummy ache. I think your goddaughter decided to make her presence known tonight." I was telling the truth.

"Oh my gosh how is she?!" Marco gasped as if my baby was present at the table and I could ask her myself.

"She's doing great." I smiled.

"Good, and next time let us know. You can also take all the time you need." Maurice exaggerated.

"Why wasn't I alerted about this?" Kristrin hand was immediately on my neck feeling what my temperature was.

"I said I'm fine, you don't have to pretend to worry about me." I took up a glass to drink when Kristrin took it from my hand.

"Kristrin it's champagne. It won't harm the baby in anyway." I voiced to him before trying to take it from his hand once again.

At this point the champagne wasn't my main priority but his lips were. Gosh I wanted to kiss him so much.

The man was dressed in full black, a tightly fitted shirt with long sleeves which was slightly pulled up revealing his toned tattooed hand and his hair was neatly styled.

I mentally smiled seeing that we were in matching suits. Hashtag, birds of a feather flock together.

"Just one glass Bella." He strictly warned as I was going to open my mouth and defend, the others decided to make there thoughts known as well.

"One glass and no more. You shouldn't even be drinking." Marco added.

"Not another one for the night." Kyle chimed in shocking me.

If Kyle, which was the maturest one and somewhat a smarty pants now demanded that I stay away from champagne something was truly wrong.


"Not another word Anna. You shouldn't be drinking any champagne and harming the child." Maurice scolded as if I was a child.

I knew that it wouldn't harm me and I knew Kristrin and Kyle was smart enough to know this too but why they didn't want me to drink it was beyond me.

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