22. Dickhead.

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"I heard you and Sebastian decided to put your differences aside. Did you two kiss and make out?" I teased Kristrin while watching him take off his jacket.

"Yes, and then I fucked him." He declared going along with my antics.

His words sending a small shudder of delight down my spine.

"Well you two have been fighting for a very long time I suppose all that tension you two had needed to be released somehow." I continued to watch as he got into bed with me.

"Come here princess." He easily pulled me.

I was basically sitting on top of him while his hands were on my waist to keep me steady.

I'd be lying if I said being on top of him didn't bring back sweet memories once again.

And as if knowing exactly what I was thinking about Kristrin smirked.

"Don't think for a second you can pull  any kind of trick and get away with it Kristrin." I kept up my guard but in truth I wanted to so badly to break it.

"I won't. I'll leave that up to you to decide Bella." Kristrin spoke.

But just seconds after I felt his cock being  grinded into my lower half.

"Your words and actions are contradicting each other Kristrin." He was manipulating my body into submitting to him.

I bit my bottom lip in order to stop myself from moaning out loudly while he kept igniting my insides with need for him.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about princess." Kristrin answered my ear teasingly.

Not able to hold back my emotions anymore I turned around to face Kristrin as he stared at my longingly.

My eyes then faltered to his lips and back to his eyes once again where he was now mischievously looking at me with a smirk.

I slowly drew closer to his lips before tenderly kissing his lips. I closed my eyes reminiscing the feeling of his lips providing me with comfort.

My heart soared feeling butterflies and nothing but love for him. Nothing had changed since meeting him in highschool, infact I craved him more than ever.

Four years was enough to be away from him. Maybe if I wasn't so shy in letting him know what I thought or demanding what I wanted from him in the beginning we wouldn't have had such a distance relationship for the past four years.

Before I could get the chance to deepen the kiss Kristrin took the initiative to break it.

"What?" I questioned unable to understand why he pulled away.

"We can continue tomorrow." He pulled me closer to him while kissing my forehead.

"Don't you love me anymore?" I felt rejected as he entwined our legs together.

I was closely cuddled up into his chest like a cocoon. I loved being there but I wanted so much money, I needed so much more from him.

I can't understand why he'd go through the lengths of having me back in his life only to turn me down in a moment of need.

"Of course I fucking love you Bella. I read online that..."

"Here we go again." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Sleep during the first trimester is more important than most of us realize, but for now those sleepless nights will most likely affect you more than the baby."

"Sleep deprivation in the first trimester has been tied to a lot of illnesses including high blood pressure during the third trimester well as self-reported stress and depression Some research suggests sleep-disordered breathing may be a risk factor for miscarriage."

"Ughhhh! You have no idea of how much I hate you right now." I glared up at him to which he smiled down at me.

"You'll thank me later for this."

"No I won't." I uttered as Kristrin proceeded to turn around and sleep, leaving me completely annoyed with him.

Somehow I just knew it was a payback for my close relationship with Sebastian. He was going to torture me first before he finally gave in.

The man who wanted me to be by his side was now suddenly rejecting me I frowned.

And so I hit him in back before turning my back as well and going to sleep.

The next day......................

I woke up with Kristrin's hand around my waist while I was snuggled up against his chest from the back.

I smiled feeling his hard cock throbbing against my thighs. Waking up just like this was what I've been longing for a long time.

I teasingly grinded my ass against his member knowing he was wide awake.

"Bella you and I both know you're not ready to have sex and I can see that." He advised immediately getting up off the bed.

"Don't make assumptions for me Kristrin!"

I watched as he walked out the room in only his underwear sporting his cock which was more prominent then ever.

"Where are you going?" I questioned once again annoyed at his distance self towards me.

"I'm going to have my cock sorted out before I develop something down the long run?" He asked.

"But I could always help you with that." I put on my best seductive pose but unfortunately it wasn't enough as Kristrin left the room leaving me in a hot mess while laughing his ass off.

I decided to take that opportunity and leave the brute alone since I felt uninvited. I opened Kristrin's door and peered outside but unfortunately my timing was off as Kyle and the twins stood before the door with smirks on their faces.

"The w..water wasn't working in my room and so I decided to use the bathroom in Kristrin's....." I immediately stopped seeing there reactions.

"A..and using K..Kristrin's bathroom was the only one you could find? H.. how coincidental is it that you were just using Kristrin's bathroom while Kristrin's now coming out of the bathroom with his hair wet and in a robe?" Marco questioned.

I turned around to look behind me only to find Kristrin standing just a feet away. His eyes seemingly softened while staring me in the eye.

"So you two have been sneaking around. That sexual tension was so obvious between the two of you from the get go." Maurice spoke.

"I hope we didn't raid on your parade or were you bringing Miss. Walker here back to her room?" Kyle questioned.

"That's enough, nothing happened." Kristrin defended.

"Yeah nothing happened." I also defended myself whilst leaving Kristrin's room and heading to mine.

The moment I had reached my room I took a moment to myself before slumping down in bed irritated.

My hormones must be off the charts because all I could think about and all I wanted to do was to have my way with Kristrin like no other.

A thought came to mind and I decided to follow through on it and not spend anymore of my day miserable.

I picked up the phone before deciding to call room service.

"Hello I'd like to cancel the rest of my reservations."

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