29. Playful moments.

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I settled myself on top of Kristrin as he took in the beaches airy and relaxing amenities it had to offer.

He then gripped my waist to steady myself onto him and held onto me firmly while he stared at me with desire.

I leaned down to his sweet lips kissing him before pulling away only to do it a second time and then third time and then fourth time making me smile when he held held onto my nape the fifth time as I tried getting up.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth earnings a small groan from him to my delight.

His hand snaked around my waist tugging me tightly to him and I pulled away almost breathless as he bit my bottom lip.

His lips nearly missed the sixth time as I playfully dogged his kiss, his lips landed a tad too far left and his nose bumped against mine, but he was still persisting pulling me forward, I tilted my head so that our lips could meet firmly and in sync.

Our kiss lasted around a minute as I took time creating memorable moments between us.

As I pulled back for air Kristrin nibbled on the tip of my nose, then kissed it, and his eyes then opened to see my shining one's.

I blushed remembering what we did last night and I know he knew what I was thinking as he snickered at me.

"And I guess this is the part where you two start having sex on the beach isn't it?" Marco chimed in next to us.

"It's a good thing this is an all adults resort, I hope you two know your actually putting on a sex show." Kyle jumped in as well.

We both turned to look to our side to see, Kyle, the twins, Grace and Steff staring at us.

"It's not like we're naked." I voiced, I was clearly in a bathing suit while Kristrin had on his swim shorts.

"I'm sure whatever our actions are it doesn't need to be justified either." Kristrin savagely spoke.

"Ever since you two got back together you've both been very handsy and leave little to nothing to the imagination for us." Maurice summed.

"They look so in love." Grace added.

I laughed hearing their complaints.

"Well would you rather have us apart and arguing all the time?" I asked laying down on top of Kristrin which I found very comfy.

"Of course not, I think you two should do whatever that makes you happy and if that includes having sex on the beach then that's fine by us." Grace gave a thumbs up making me snicker.

It's a pity she doesn't know that we had already completed that task.

"What was that?" Kyle questioned.

"What?" I played innocent.

"You just gave that look that said guilty." How observant of him, always Kyle to read between the lines and quickly pick up on the truth.

"How about we talk about that servants you've been banging since we got here?" I changed the topic.

"Your lying!" Grace gasped quickly jumped up immediately wanting to know the juicy details.

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