15. Welcome Vacation and all the happy memories.

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I smiled weakly remembering the memories Kristrin and I shared at this exact resort and this time instead of Kristrin being here with me it was Sebastian.

It was crazy how the script was flipped.

Last night all of us spent our time together at red lobsters and Kristrin was more than sweet to have caution me about eating raw seafood especially with high mercury content, something I already knew but decided to let him have his way. It showed he had been doing his research ever since finding out that I was pregnant.

He even adamantly made sure to drop me home afterwards.

If Kristrin were here I'm sure he'd have a lot of things planned for us to do. My vacation felt more like a vacation without fun.

I somehow felt Kristrin would take the opportunity and be here knowing that Sebastian was vacationing here with me. He would never pass the opportunity.

I mean it seemed so weird that Kristrin wasn't at the airport to see any of us off and it was not like he would've been busy today.

In fact I had been snooping around and it showed that Kristrin's schedule was practically empty for the next two weeks. How much more of a coincidence do we need.

I've been looking for evidence ever since to see if the others might be hiding something but they showed no sign and they've been denying saying he would be busy and Kristrin also kept silent about it even though I did not ask, I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed.

"I think I already like it here." Sebastian whispered next to me happily.

Before I could respond I was pulled under Steff arm. They were making sure Sebastian and I spent no time together on this vacation.

They even had come up with there usual rules of getting me to stay away from him. I was a little happy that they weren't down each other's throat but a little sad because of the way they treated him.

It was only because of me why Sebastian decided to come on this trip after all. I was also starting to wonder about our relationship and if we would ever be more than friends.

This trip would certainly let me know whether or not we would become more.

"Well that was rude." I told him pulling Sebastian next to me while the others walked in front of us.

"I'm all for team Slovac now that your having a baby that will soon become my cousin and I will soon become a godfather to." He answered.

"I also think this is a great time to start making baby's between you and Grace don't you think?" I shot back.

"A brilliant time actually. Don't you think so Grace?" Steff asked as he held onto her hand.

"Absolutely not." She responded glaring at me.

"Now I know you'll be a little lonely for the time being but don't you worry your high horses. I'm sure you'll be fine in a few hours time." I frowned hearing his words.

"Fine in a few hours? What's going to be happening in the next few hours? Did you guys plan some sort of surprise for me?" I cocked my eyebrows happily.

"Yes and I'm sure you'll have much fun with this surprise too princess." Steff teased.

His last word caught my attention. Steff had just came forward and confessed my surprise had something to do with Kristrin or more likely it was indeed Kristrin.

Steff knew only Kristrin called me princess.

I knew it.

"And does my present come in the form of a man?" I whispered.

"No, but it does come in the form of shopping, having fun, eating all you can eat buffet's, karaoke, sight seeing, taking a spa day, snorkeling, relaxing, start a giggle fit in the elevator."


"I'm just letting you know that you should relax and enjoy your vacation while it lasts." Steff stated.

"I've never been on a vacation before and I can't wait to be apart of the excitement. Gosh I'm so glad that I had the chance to actually meet you Anna." Grace excitedly told while she and Steff laughed and had fun.

This made me miss everything with Kristrin. I wonder if my trip was going to be nice without him. He was always the life of the party and the one to initiate everything.

Why was I feeling down and out on my own Vacation when I should be having fun? I had no idea.

For the past few days since Kristrin had been around me, my urge to stay away from him has got so bad. I now wanted to jump him anytime that I saw him.

I was on vacation and was spending less of my time admiring the place and more time thinking about Kristrin until I had reached my hotel room.

Ughhh, stop thinking about Kristrin!

I sighed entering my room. The only thing that made this room look different from what Kristrin had bought was the ocean view outside.

With having no rest from yesterday I was extremely tired and decided to take a quick nap before going to find the others and having any fun.

I slowly fell into deep sleep once again with Kristrin occupying it as well.

I ran from the beach knowing everything might now be in the open after my stupid blunder.

I made it to my rooms bathroom wiping my tears as Kristrin's voice suddenly startled me from behind.

"Kristrin what are you doing here?"

"I've given you enough time to come clean and you haven't princess."

"W...what are you talking about?"

"Your pregnant aren't you? And the child your carrying is mine isn't it my dear sweet Bella?" Kristrin confessed as his eyes gleed with excitement.

However my eyes widened hearing Kristrin's words. He knew that I was pregnant all along yet said nothing.

I woke up from my sleep confused. I think this is what happens to others that think too much. They start dreaming about crazy things. Thank god Kristrin knew about his child.

I was a mess in my dream.

I decided to go and look for the others and just as I headed outside my room I spotted all the others except Sebastian going inside a particular room that I'm sure none of them were staying in.

They had all made me aware of thier room numbers and this particular room was not known to me.

I wondered if they had booked another room without telling me. I then remembered Steff's words and wondered if it was some sort of surprise, I immediately followed suite until I had managed to reach the door.

I knocked on it making sure to conceal my body. By the time Grace had opened the door I barged right inside.

Obviously they didn't want me to see what was inside

"What are you people doing here?" I questioned but was shocked to see who was in the room with the group.

"Oh my god."

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