19. Diminished Hopes.

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I woke up to the smell of food in my room. What could be more enjoying than waking up to the smell of food and that at 7:30am too.

Once I opened my eyes I realized it was Kristrin sitting at my bedside while holding a platter of hot food to my nose.

"Why doesn't your unauthorized visit to my room not surprise me Kristrin?" I sat up immediately taking his food to devour it.

Kristrin and I might not be on good terms but there's no way I was rejecting good for my baby and I.

"I thought bringing you and my child's breakfast would be nice. I know you love breakfast in bed." He expressed.

"Well I do have room service just like everyone else does........ but thank you." I inwardly smiled happy with my food.

"I also want to thank you for putting on such a tacky and cringe worthy performance last night just to make me feel better." I laughed remembering everything.

"Anything for you Bella." Kristrin closely watched as I ate my food.

"And don't you think for one second that I don't have all of you recorded." I made him aware.

"I know you do princess." He continued to watched me closely while calling me his pet name.

"I have a question for you." He asked.

"Go ahead." I nodded while eating my food.

"When did you decide to get a navel piercing and why?" He asked the Mind-boggling that had definitely been in his mind from yesterday after seeing it.

"And why would you like to know Kristrin?" I asked as he inched closer to me on the bed.

"The sight of seeing you with a navel piercing is somewhat enticingly attractive and also a few other words that wouldn't be appropriate for me to say at this moment because of your indifferent towards me. I'm finding it even more difficult keeping my hands off you so imagine my dilemma refraining men from staring at what is mine. So I'd like to ask one more time, why did you get a belly piercing done and who aided you in doing so? Was it Sebastian?" Kristrin bolded his fist together.

"First of all my piercing was not done to please you so whether or not your attracted to it has nothing to do with me. I'm no longer yours so you have no right to declare me as yours and refrain other men from staring so whether or not Sebastian or someone else helped me to get it done has nothing to do with you." I glared while sipping my cup of chocolate tea.

"If you insist on withholding the information I'll get it from the others. If I find out that Sebastian had something to do with it I swear I'll fuck him up." Kristrin forewarned.

I sighed hearing his words.

"I mean it Bella, a belly button piercing shows that your willing to allow someone intimate access to your navel which should only be me....Did you give Sebastian or anyone for that matter the intention that you'd allow them access...." I immediately cut Kristrin off before he could continue.

"Sebastian had nothing to do with it. Grace and Steff were with me when I did it. I did it at a moment when I felt weak. It's a symbol that specializes a new beginning for me after we broke up." I explained to him as he nodded his head in understanding before a few seconds of silence passed over us.

"Have you had time to consider about the house?" Kristrin questioned.

"No I haven't actually. Isn't it rather soon anyway? And don't think I have forgiven you." I frowned.

"You two mean the most to me and I want wherever my child or you go that the both of you are with me and protected." Kristrin expressed now closer to me than ever.

His skin was now in contact of mine.

"Well we all can't have everything now can we?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"When will you forgive?" I frowned again at his question.

"You're worrying about when I'll forgive you but what you should be worrying about is if I'll ever forgive for what you did."

After I finished explaining myself to Kristrin I watched as he immediately got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom before throwing up.

I felt bad because he was actually going through my pregnancy symptoms, our pregnancy symptom alone rather. I closely watched as he proceeded to clean himself up.

"How often does this happen to you Kristrin?" I asked a little curious.

"Once or twice daily or sometimes none at all. I find it somewhat enlightening that he or she reminds me consistently that I'm going to be a father soon." He expressed proudly.

"Well is there anything you'd like for me to do for you?" I awkwardly asked while playing with my fingers.

"Yes there is something actually." Kristrin stated looking at me.

"Cuddle with me. Let's spend the rest of the day in bed together?" He requested and I mentally smiled at his suggestion.

This was something I definitely wanted to do with him but I might just let my guard down and let things happen that aren't supposed to.

"If it was anything else than us being intimate which I do find cuddling I might've accepted your request but that's just too much." I knew that he knew this too.

Without saying another word Kristrin walked away and I followed suite as he left the room and left me all by myself.

Clearly he was upset that I had turned him down. I felt very bad about it too. I felt as though I had hurt him. Why did he have to ask such a big proposal that he knew I'd more than likely decline.

He hadn't been angry with me in years. This reminded me of highschool when I dumped him as my boyfriend.

It was minutes later when I heard a knock on my door and went to open it hoping it would be Kristrin but it was Sebastian at the door.

"Can we talk?" He asked.


I headed outside to speak with Sebastian not wanting for him to come inside. I thought of how Kristrin would overreact and then he would probably end up in an altercation with Sebastian.

What seemingly caught my attention though was a few doors away to my left, Kristrin was talking to a maid that was clearly flirting with him.

I understood the maids urge to flirt with him as Kristrin was only wearing a towel that covered his button half showing how attractively thick with muscles he was while covered in tattoos and his hair handsomely disheveled leaving you with the urge to fix it.

Even I would've gawked at him.

Our eyes made contact as the maid happily made her way inside his room. What made my heart drop was the way that Kristrin looked at Sebastian and I without a care in the world before slamming his door shut.

Something that he'd never do.

"Are you ok Anna?" Sebastian asked seeing everything that just happened.

"Yes I'm fine now what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I shakily asked Sebastian feeling completely opposite than fine.

Infact I was completely distraught after his seemingly cold demeanor towards me awhile ago. I couldn't help but feel I had done something terribly wrong.

What if Kristrin had gotten tired of my detached, impassive, dispassionate and aloof self around him and decided to move on without me?

Turmoil, that's what I was feeling.

What if I had just thrown away everything that I had once shared with Kristrin? What if everything between us was finally over?

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