49. Everything that I need.

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I grabbed ahold Kristrin's hand tightly as we walked side by side on the beach of Bora Bora's four seasons. Everything was made much better by the island's unparalleled splendor.

Despite missing Raine terribly, I was finally pleased; everything was perfect; I had it all, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I had agreed with Kristrin to keep out of contact with everyone at home except for my parents whenever I desperately wanted to see my daughter.

I knew that Kristrin was missing his daughter as well because in his suitcase was his daughters clothes that he would smell whenever he missed her.

But for me and my husband, it was all about spending quality time together on our honeymoon and I was one hundred percent into the idea.

We were eventually able to get out of our bedroom, but only half voluntarily, after an extensive and tremendous amount of passionate love making since we arrived here.

We had managed to walk around and pick fruits off fruit trees while eating them, go jet skiing, riding bicycles together and now we were here walking along while exploring.

Surely we were also going back at love making in bed later tonight, and I'd take advantage of my menstruation cycle's absence till it returned.

Doctor Claire told me that if I didn't stop breastfeeding, my period might not come back, so I was determined to breastfeed for as long as I could.

"Do you believe the others miss us?" I was curious as to what the other was up to at this time.

"I'm sure they're missing us terribly, especially you, Bella." Kristrin tried to make me feel better by buttering me up.

"I'm sure they won't; they'll be content merely to be free of my anguish." I raised my voice.

"Despite what you may believe, Bella, the twins are incredibly grateful for you. I'm sure your mischief will be missed, and they'll seek Raine to fill the void you've unfortunately left behind." Hearing Kristrin's remarks made me giggle, and he laughed along with me.

He was never the one to downplay the fact that the twins adored spending time with me.

"I'm sure the others are missing you, too." He concluded by tenderly encircling me with his arms.

"Way to butter me up Kristrin." I jokingly sobbed.

"Your welcome baby." After hearing his witty remark, I slapped him across the chest as he burst out laughing.

"Don't say the word baby until we get back home." While sighing, I reminded him of how much I missed my baby.

"I'll try my best not to love but it's something habitual that I find hard to restrain from while I'm with you." Kristrin made me smile with his words.

"Do you think we'll be this happy and in love in four years time?" I questioned holding onto my husband's hand.

Kristrin gave me a sincere smile "I know so, I don't want to live without you; the only other circumstances in which this would not be the case are if you abandoned me or if one of us died. Another reason why I'm committed in keeping you and my princess safe at all cost." He delicately planted a long kiss the top of my head.

"I recall the first time my gaze fell on the happiest, bubbliest, shyest, and cutest girl I had ever seen smiling. I pledged from then on that you would be mine........Now that I think about it, I think it would be a good idea if Raine was homeschooled." Hearing his comments change from sweet to bitter in an instant made me laugh out loud.

Raine being homeschooled did not appeal to me. I've noticed that homeschooled children lack certain characteristics that put them in a difficult situation when confronted with certain situations. For example, many girls don't know what's right or wrong when meeting a boy they like for the first time.

They have a proclivity for falling in love rapidly, which can be exploited. I'm take care of patients so I know, I've seen a lot of these incidents, and I'm talking about physical abuse. They go through lack of social interaction and increased sense of isolation.

But who was I to deflate Kristrin's bubble? On the other hand, there were advantages to being homeschooled.

"What's going in that beautiful brain of your's Bella?" Kristrin continued to pepper my face with kisses while questioning me.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that I'm completely smitten with you, and I adore you." I beamingly grinned.

"There's something that I want to do." I took a step back to face him as we continued to walk along the shoreline.

"And what is that?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

Kristrin faced me with a small smile on his face and opened his arms for an embrace. Before moving away from him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a hard hug.

Kristrin drew me up to his chest and kissed me adoringly.

Kristrin continued to walk while kissing me, and as I bit his bottom lips, he unwillingly broke our kiss apart.

When I looked around, Kristrin was headed towards the beach water, prompting me to give him a mischievous glare while kicking aggressively to escape his clutches.

"Don't even think about it, Kristrin; put me down right now." I cautioned him against taking the action he was going to take.

Without listening to me Kristrin continued to laugh while pecking my face and as I continued to kick only to come out defeated.

"Baby, I will make all your dreams come through if you put me down right this instant, I'll give you whatever you want." I tried reaching out to him while stroking his handsome face.

Kristrin stopped for awhile thinking about the offer before a sly grin appeared on his face and he continued to walk.

Realizing that my seductive approach wouldn't work I began screaming and kicking once more but I was tightly held into his grasp and before I knew it my husband was trying to throw me into the water as i tightly cling to him.

So instead Kristrin opted to take us both into the warm blissful water and I laughed enjoying my moment together with my husband.


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