27. Caught in the act.

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     My hand slowly glided up and down my skin remembering each and every one of Kristrin's touches.

The feeling of being finally pleased just the way I liked getting me heated in the moment and I desperately wanted to be in Kristrin's arms even though I felt crippled due to him savagely pounding me nonstop.

Was I more than intoxicated or what?

I was in a very good mood and I just couldn't stop smiling. I was happy that he was inside me dominating my body at every second and every minute.

I bit my lips and moaned out just remembering about it. I don't think there would be anyone that could do it just like him. He was always a mastermind at making love to me.

I decided against torturing myself and decided to distract myself by turning on my phone receiving tons of messages and missed phone calls but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the fact that I was being tagged by many on social media.

"So you just had to make it official for the world once again didn't you?" I pouted liking the post Kristrin made of us together as he returned from the bathroom as naked as the day he was born. It was a photo of me soundly asleep next to him.

His now handsomely disheveled wet hair made me want to run my hands through it all day while his tattoos made him look extremely dangerous and handsome at the same time and boy did I want to glide his.........wait, were we again?

"Of course I had to show the world who you still belonged to." Kristrin kissed my lips.

Or Sebastian in particular.

"Where are you going?" I questioned as instead of getting into bed with me he walked away.

I was getting clingy to him.......once again.

Instead of answering me Kristrin sat back down as I continued to cling to him like a child. I was making up for all the time we spent apart even though this could not be done in merely two days.

"Your friends are at the door Bella." He responded kissing my fingers that would not let go of him.

"So?" I whined making him laugh as he got up to unlock the door for our unwelcomed guests.

I quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail and straightened Kristrin's t-shirt that I currently had on.

And in came Steff and Grace grinning as if they had won the lottery or Oscars for best discovery of the century.

"Now, now Anna, don't you know too much sex is not good for one's health?" Grace mocked bringing up my previous words I had uttered to her and Steff being in bed together all day long.

"Well this one's different, we had just got back together. So what are you two doing here?" I voiced annoyed.

Don't get me wrong I loved my friends but Kristrin and I have been separated for far too long and they were cutting in on our time that we were spending rekindling things together.

How I hated to be interrupted when I was with him.

"Well we haven't seen you in two days and so we got worried and decided to pay you a visit." Steff voiced making Grace snicker.

"Well just like my previous text, I'm perfectly fine." I murmured watching Kristrin enter the small kitchen from behind them.

I then heard more knocking on the door and I glared as Kristrin went to open it and in no time there was a crowd of five unwanted guests inside our room.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here? Tsk, tsk, tsk, no longer sneaking around are we Anna?" Marco pinched my cheeks in a teasing manner as I swatted his hand away.

"We've only been trying to work things out especially for our baby." I whispered while looking through the window and towards the beach.

I knew my cheeks were heating up. I was the center of attention but most importantly my sex life was the center of attention, I felt as though I was caught red handed with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Be truthful." Kyle reprimanded.

"Fine, we're back together now." I stated folding my hands together as they all awed and gave me a playful hug.

"Anna can I talk to you.......in private?" Grace whispered as the others bickered between each other while Kristrin was busy speaking on his phone on the balcony.

"Why?" I frowned but got up after receiving a glare from Grace.

Once grace and I headed into the bathroom where we could have some privacy I was immediately slapped.

"Ow." I sarcastically rubbed my shoulder.

"I can't believe you too rekindled and you left me in the dark.....what sort of friend does that!" She whisper yelled slapping me again.

"Well I was going to let you know........eventually." I smiled remembering Kristrin.

"Oh my gosh, Anna your glowing! I haven't seen you this happy since you and Kristrin broke up! Whatever he's doing, he seems to be doing a great job at it." Grace teased making me smile even more.

"I'd say the same about you but then again I can't remember a time you weren't glowing while with Steff." We smiled happily like two high school girls that had just found true love.

"I don't want to keep Kristrin waiting and I see that your also a little annoyed about us ruining your precious time together, I would too after such a long time of nothing but drought." Grace teased.

"My point exactly." I agreed with her.

"Don't forget to tell me everything." She whisper yelled as we both got out of the bathroom.

"Well we'll meet next time Anna." They all left while Marco dramatically blew a kiss at me before leaving.


I immediately went back to bed cuddling into Kristrin's chest as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

"Promise me you'll stay in bed for the rest of the day and that if anyone of our friends comes to disturb us then you'll ignore them." I begged Kristrin.

Instead of answering me Kristrin sealed a promise kiss on my forehead. I decided to take that opportunity and ask him what has been on my mind all along.

"Have you thought about baby names?"

This was something that had been completely on my mind and I was a little excited to know what we would name our baby soon.

"Yes I have." I perked up after hearing his response.

"Well what do you have in mind?"

"If it's a boy then I want him to be named Kristrin Aziel Slovac junior, and hopefully if it's a girl then Kristanna Abigail Slovac." I doubled over hearing the names he had picked out.

"So if it's a boy then you want him to be a Junior and if it's a girl then you want to name her to be named Kristana? Isn't that a bit weird?" I snickered.

He was combining both our names together.

"What do you have in mind princess?" I asked me.

"Well if it's a boy, then we could name him Aziel Tristan Slovac and for girl we could name her Amora Rose walker." I teased making Kristrin tickle me.

"Ok! Ok! Ok! She'll be a Slovac! I was just.......kidding!" I laughed unable to keep a straight face as he continued to tickle me.

"P..please s...stop!" I begged him.

"I can't hear you baby girl." He tickled me as I continued to laugh my ass off.

"I said I was just kidding around and the baby will definitely be will be a Slovac!" I screamed in the mids of my giggles.

Tears of laughter streamed down my face and just when I could no longer take it anymore he stopped.

I missed this between us.

"I hope the baby is a girl and just as you are princess." Kristrin added tugging the hem of his shirt that I was wearing.

I didn't know whether I wanted a boy or girl but whichever one came I'm sure going to be happy.

Our baby.

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