13. Last Day at School.

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Throwing our hats up in the air happily this concluded our last day at Harvard for now hopefully.

I was tremendously excited for my vacation to come early tomorrow morning.

I greeted my parents, my brother and Kristrin's parents as they all congratulated me but my eyes were set on Kristrin in the crowd as he spoke with the others.

I pretended to listen whatever they were saying and smile in acknowledgement while trying to disguise the fact that I was more interested in the conversation with Kristrin.

Why was I so interested in what the others were saying with Kristrin? I had no idea.

"Thank you." I smiled as Lisa hugged while my eyes made contact with Kristrin's and I immediately looked away.

I also greeted Steff's parents, Kyle's parent, the twins parents and Grace's parents and Sebastian's family.

By the time I was finish I was exhausted from just hugging and saying thank you but a little disappointed that Kristrin hadn't come to congratulate me just yet.

I then thought about how I was obsessively over thinking about Kristrin when Sebastian showed up next to me.

"I got you a present." Sebastian smiled while handing a small red box to me.

"A present? What for?" I smiled taking my attention off Kristrin.

"It's just a small gift to show you how appreciative I am to you for pushing me through to continuing my education whenever I felt down." He responded.

"But I didn't get you anything." I pulled the string off the small box but the moment I was about to open it Kristrin showed up next to me.

His hand then made it's way around my waist in a slight grip then Kristrin kissed me on the cheek before turning to Sebastian.

"I see you've somehow managed to get a degree. I have to say I underestimated you Sebastian boy. First getting into Harvard and now getting a degree. Tell me, how much did it cost you?" Kristrin questioned and I could clearly see the tension in the air.

"This from a guy who's career is making mistakes for a living and somehow having to always pick up the pieces. I'm just patiently waiting Krissy boy." Sebastian smiled at him.

The tension between the two was making me uncomfortable. I felt like any moment now Kristrin would pounce on Sebastian and a war would break loose.

Even onlookers were waiting.

"Sebastian?" A blonde hair supermodel female ex-girlfriend who's name I remembered clearly was Linda called.

I stared at her perfectly good perfection with awe.

"Could I speak to you in private?" She asked him not picking up on the tension in the air.

What the hell did she want?

"Sure." Sebastian responded and I mentally glared at him for agreeing to it.

I watched the two leave before turning to Kristrin.

"What the hell was that?"

"Why were you looking at his woman that way Bella? As if you were jealous?" Kristrin changed the topic staring at the gift in my hand with distaste.

"Linda is no longer Sebastian's girlfriend and please don't try to cause any catastrophe Kristrin." I warned with a glare.

"What is in your hand Bella?" He questioned once again ignoring what I just said.

"It's a gift." I simply told him.

"I have a gift for you." He responded trying to take Sebastian's gift from my hand.

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