37. Actions have consequences.

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"Are you sure this is the right thing to do? What if they become enraged and/or call the cops?" Grace questioned with trepidation, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Relax, I've done this before, they'll think twice about contacting the cops, and we're only going to a fair that's only ten minutes away from our homes. The whole objective of us sneaking out so late at night is to cause those five to be uneasy..... and to have fun." I told her.

"Have you done this a lot when pregnant? No, I'd rather go back and cuddle with Steff." She retaliated.

"Have you ever experienced angry sex or revenge sex?"

Grace paused before responding with a resounding "No."

"Trust me, there's nothing wrong with being naughty and having a good time every now and then as long as you don't do something terribly stupid like cheating. Revenge sex is when pent-up aggression and passion are released via sexual practices that are frequently wild and intense. You'll thank me later for it." I smiled.

Kristrin is going to be irritated to the point of rage!

"I hope you're correct, because if this doesn't work, remember who came up with the concept."

"Grace, after you get married, you'll start having a lot of kids and you'll stay at home, and one day you'll look back on what could've been and regret not doing what I'm urging you to do now." I took her hand in mine and drew her along with me.

"Do you see yourself spending the rest of your days with Kristrin like this?" In a strange tone, she queried.

"No, I see myself spending the rest of my life banging Kristrin till I'm elderly." Just picturing my old self up against the wall with Kristrin's old self made me cringe yet smile.

Grace's hum, in an unclear tone, brought me to a halt in my tracts.

"Would you like to know something fascinating?" I enquired of her.


"You want to know why Kristrin and Steff can easily locate us? They can easily follow us because of something called GPS, and our phones have been hacked, bugged." I kept dragging her hand behind me.

"What?! That's something Steff would never do." Rather of stating a fact, she questioned herself.

I came to a halt when my phone rang, and it was Kristrin, as expected. I grinned while ignoring the phone, and when Grace received a call, I took it from her hand and stuffed it into my bag before she could answer it.

"Nope, we didn't agree on that."

I checked my phone once more, and there was a message from Kristrin.
Before we continued our adventure together, I chuckled as I read Kristrin's text.

"Anna, I know what you're doing, and I guarantee you'll get more than you bargained for if you don't pick up your damn phone the next time I call!"

Grace and I were on our way to a festivities, but Grace pretended that we were on our way to the club and that we were about to be caught........... despite the fact that we were going to be caught.

I heard the familiar voice behind me after only fifteen minutes of enjoying ourselves.


When I turned around, there stood Kristrin in all his glory, looking as deviously and dashingly attractive as ever. Grace was dragged to Steff's chest almost instantly.

"Kristrin! Take a look at what I've brought you!" I demonstrated this in the teddy bear, which softened his piercing gaze.

"Did you swallow anything, Anna?" He examined me to see if I had consumed any alcohol.

"Don't worry I didn't consume anything that might be harmful for the baby, I'm sure you know me better than that." I assured him.

Anna, I have faith in you...... Let me rephrase that: I don't trust you or the people who give you food or drink at this fair."

"To make you feel better, I haven't eaten anything since I arrived." Once more, I reassured him.

Taking my word for it, his demeanor shifted from angry to apprehensive in a matter of seconds.

Kristrin pulls me close to his chest and kisses me firmly, but not painfully; he was expressing his displeasure with what I had done. Before kissing me again, he stepped back and stared at me with a frown on his face.

"What are you doing standing in front of a kissing booth?"

"I promise I wasn't doing anything I wasn't supposed to."

I chuckled as his lips softened into soft sweet kisses, and I drew back slightly to gaze into his eyes and softly kiss him back.

"Bella I promise you the punishment you'll receive tonight will make you considerate of my feelings towards you and my daughter." He expressed talking my hand in his.

We're getting ready to leave." We were interrupted by Steff, who appeared to be unhappy about the situation.

I pulled Grace towards me before whispering to her ears, "Tell me everything." I winked as the two left.

I turned around to Kristrin before telling him I was hungry, and he instantly accommodated my requirements by taking me to a neighboring restaurant.

Kristrin sat down carefully observing my every move as I smiled and stuffed my face with cream puffs and milkshake. His eyes were on me at all times, making me blush. He had usually been quite attentive, but this time was different. Something about the way he looked at me made me feel... good.

"Are you all right?" He inquired, his voice tinged with worry.
I nodded, not wanting to upset him with my uncontrollable emotions.

I felt my cheeks flush as I remembered how much I enjoyed being in his presence.

A thrill ran up my spine, causing goosebumps to appear on my skin, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Kristrin exchanged a puzzled look with me before smirking.

"Is there a problem, baby girl?" He questioned, leaning in closer, which made my heart race.

"There's nothing wrong," I answered, backing away from his gaze. "It's only that your gaze is fixed on me."

He cocked an eyebrow and questioned, "Are they now?"

"Yes," I said. He hummed softly as he moved in closer.

"Do you know what might make you feel more at ease?" he replied, leaning in even closer. As his hot breath blew across my ear, forcing me to tremble, my breath became stuck in my throat.

"What?" I spoke in hushed tones, hardly audible.

"If I kissed you exactly here." I shuddered once again as the heat from his minty breath reached me.

"Would that be all right?" He went on, "Isn't that the reason why your here? You wanted my attention didn't you Bella?" He kissed the corner of my mouth lightly, whispering.

I nodded hastily, not trusting myself to speak, my stomach constricted with need. His hand slipped to the side of my cheek and drew me in closer. His lips gently brushed against mine as we exhaled into the kiss,

I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan before he pulled away slowly trailing kisses along my jawline until I opened my eyes and stared into his. We were still close enough for our noses to brush each other and for my hands to reach around to rest on his shoulders.

"I think we should continue this at home." I hazily spoke as Kristrin smirked at me.

Leaning towards my ears Kristrin whispered, "I told you at the end of today you'd weigh my ideas because from tonight on your entitlement to be fucked hard is..... curtailed till further notice," My eyes widened hearing his response.

Damn it!

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