20. Differences Aside.

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I sniffled taking in the tantalizing smell of food at my nose once again. I immediately smiled while opening my eyes but my smile quickly faded after seeing who it was.

It was Maurice and Marco. I turned towards the clock to see that it was nine in the morning.

"It's you two." I frowned but happily took the plate of food while trying to peer my head around the corner to see if Kristrin was in the room.

"He's long gone." Maurice responded after seeing my action.

Damnit! Why was he still avoiding me?! Even after what he secretly does every night?

"Your boyfriend picked out food for you told and us to bring it to his girlfriend and our precious goddaughter. He also explained that you'd like the idea of being spoiled in bed but with your little attitude young lady I'm starting to wonder if we made the right decision." Marco teased and I mentally smiled.

Always the one to tease me but even after all this time I did always like to hear them tease me about Kristrin being my boyfriend.

"How do you know that the baby is going to be a girl?" I quirked up at them.

"I don't know but I want it to be. All of us want her to be." Maurice responded making me smile.

They all wanted a girl.

"Thank you." I thanked them both for the food as they both sat down on my bed to closely watch me eat.

"I think I'll need to thank my boyfriend Sebastian as well for this delectable meal." I teased trying to hide my smile.

"Don't you ever mention that name again." Maurice warned seemingly pissed.

"Imagine us going back to Kristrin and letting him know what you just said." Marco smirked.

"I don't know what he's so angry about." I intentionally mumbled hoping the two would hear and maybe say something that Kristrin might've said but they just remained silent.

"Fine, you two can be very evil at times." I sighed.

"I think the better word to say is very protective especially after knowing your carrying our goddaughter into this world." Maurice explained very excited.

Kristrin has been completely ignoring me. I could always sense or feel whenever he was nearby or if his eyes were burning in the back of my head but apart from that Kristrin kept his distance.

He was still caring but from a distance. I'd get Breakfast, lunch and dinner including snacks which Kristrin thought I'd like which I did but he wouldn't dare bring it to me himself. You'd think that he'd act a bit more mature since I was carrying his child.

But then again I was being a two face for saying that he should stay away from me while knowing that's the complete opposite of what I actually want.

"We're going on a adventure tour in the next hour, I think you'll love it so get dressed." Marco suggested as I continued to finish my breakfast.

"I'd love to." What was better than getting to spend some time with Kristrin.

I felt like the more he withdrew from me was the more I felt drawn to him after getting a few stolen kisses the other day.

I don't know if it was my hormones but I wanted to be around Kristrin more than how I wanted to be around anyone else yet if I got too close I'm definitely sure I'd end up fucking him.

After eating my food I immediately freshened and changed into something more comfortable before heading out with the twins.

We were going rock climbing upon a mountain. I got a glimpse of Kristrin as he spoke to the others, I desperately wanted him to look at me but he didn't, and so I sadly began my tour when I felt the hand of Grace circle around me.

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