16. Nothing more than friends.

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"I knew it." I folded my hands while looking at Kristrin who sat on the bed with everyone surrounding him.

"Took you long enough." Steff spoke and I glared at him and Grace. They were wrong on so many levels for doing this, for one they could've given me a heads-up.

"And I guess it makes no sense for me to ask why you're here either." I stated.

"Let's give these two some privacy and try not to get down and dirty so early either, you guys have lots of time to spare." Kyle teased.

"So why didn't you just say you were coming along?" I walked around Kristrin's luxurious room a little surprised at the wide open view of Kristrin's room which even had a private pool outside.

"Well that wouldn't be a surprise now would it Bella?"

"A surprise? I don't consider you showing up here just to stop me from being with Sebastian a surprise Kristrin." I voiced.

"Even if that was the case I'd still be here for you whether that boy was here or not. You and my child is more important."

"Well don't believe for a second that because your here anything will happen between us and I'm warning you Kristrin, no fights." I knew telling this to Kristrin would fall on deaf ears.

This man was hellbent on killing anyone who touched me and I knew he was going to repay Sebastian someway or another.

"As long he stays away from you then I might consider it but if I see him or anyone else lay a hand on you in anyway I'll let them feel pain princess." Kristrin warned.

I can't say his words didn't turn me on a little because it actually did.

"You lost that right a long time ago so you getting angry at others for doing what you should've been doing in the first place is wrong. I won't let you off so easy if you cause any trouble Kristrin."

"I've already said what I've said princess. I'm not going to sit still while another man flirts with my...... With you. No grown ass man would like to see the mother of thier unborn child flirting with someone else. I don't like it."

"Regardless of whether or not I'm carrying your child we're still not together. Remember that." I spoke my final words as I turned around to face him.

Why did I always have this nostalgic feeling whenever I openly voiced that I was carrying his child?

Without another second I was met with Kristrin's lip on mine, his hand quickly snaked around my waist as he aggressively pinned me against the door.

His kiss was intense and I gladly kissed him back even though I knew it was wrong but it felt fucking good to have his lips against me once again.

I gripped his hair pulling him even closer as he continued to ravish my lips. His hand sensuously roamed my entire body.

Oh god yes.

I felt his hand about to slip underneath my bra when I immediately pulled away from him while panting heavily.

I gazed at his lips as they taunted me to kiss them once more, how hard it was for me to turn away. I decided to stand my ground and not let my urge to jump Kristrin this moment overcome me.

"Your still not my boyfriend K..kristrin." I struggled to open the door behind me while he stared at me with a smirk on his face.

His eyes roamed my body while stopping at my legs that were exposed by the short shorts I was wearing.

"We'll see about that princess." He teased about to kiss me again when I managed to open his door to leave.

I immediately got out before he could kiss me once again while holding onto my chest trying to stop my beating heart.

I don't know how much of Kristrin's stolen kisses I can manage before I decide to jump him and give in.

I walked along the corridors about to find the others when I unknowingly bumped into Sebastian chest.

"I need to talk to you. I have something important that I would like to say to you. I was hoping we could go for a walk on the beach?" His words made me frown at him.

"It must be really important if you'd rather for us to go on the beach rather than just saying it here but ok." I walked along the corridors with him in silence as multiple questions ran through my mind.

I was bracing myself for whatever he had to say to me. I also hope Kristrin didn't spot us both and go ballistic for no reason.

"So what do you have to say to me?" I asked anxiously awaiting his answer.

I closely watched as he scratched the back of his head. Something he would usually do whenever he was shy about saying something.

"I don't believe this is the right time to come out and say it but....." I placed my hand on his lips stopping Sebastian before he could continue.

Somehow I knew what he was about to say and even though we weren't officially together I did feel a little tinge of pain, hurt.

I sighed, was I foolish to throw away what could be something beautiful between us? What if I was making a wrong decision by making him leave.

"You don't have to think about it so much Anna. I had made my decision a few days before and I won't be backing out." Sebastian stated after seeing my state.

"Which means there's nothing I can do to change your mind? Tell me, what made you decide to change your mind and what about graduation? The things you said to Kristrin that day, was it all a lie?"

"The things I said at your graduation wasn't necessarily a lie but I mostly said it to make Kristrin jealous. I actually made the decision the day that I came to realize you were pregnant, I thought about everything and came to the conclusion it would never work between us." He explained.

"Even though you two are not dating I would constantly be in the middle of a fight with Kristrin and he's not willing to let you go. Neither are you because I can see the way you look at him. Plus your friends has made it clear there wouldn't be a chance for me. I've also made the choice of continuing professional football." He went on further.

"I also met someone knew. Someone just like you but I hope we can still be friends. I hope nothing changes between us and I hope you don't hate me for this." He said with pleading eyes.

"Of course not and I am sorry that things didn't work out between us. I actually feel bad about it too. You were there for me and not only for my break up. You are more than a great friend to me and I hope that someday I get to meet your new girlfriend." I felt like I was losing one of my best friends. I even wanted to cry.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything that happened Anna. You didn't necessarily have a role to play in forcing me to be with you and I'll definitely let you meet my new girlfriend whenever we get back." He smiled.

"What do you say one last goodbye kiss?" Sebastian teased lightening the mood.

I pointed to my cheek remembering Kristrin had kissed me on my lips.

"I'll take it." He laughed before pecking my cheek.

We sat on the beach admiring the entire scenery and talking about so much more before unfortunate trouble showed up and ruined it all.

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